Monday, September 15, 2008

Sample Letter To Conduct A Community Service

Trait anxiety and state anxiety

Anxiety is not manifested as a unitary phenomenon, which can detect two different types of anxiety:

trait anxiety:

This type of anxiety is characterized as a relatively stable component of personality.
The so-called "trait anxiety" is a characteristic of the personality of some people who tend to have the defense system of anxiety particularly strong, so much to live most experience so worried, agitated, restless , anxious precisely. In practice the style of perception anxious type of person extends to all areas of his life experience, becoming in effect a feature of personality.
Those who show a more developed treatment of anxiety show a greater responsiveness a large number of stimuli in short react with concern, even in those situations that are not a source of threat to most individuals. These people are more likely to present circumstances in state anxiety and low potential source of anxiety, such as the normal daily activities, or to experience higher levels of state anxiety in the presence of anxiety-inducing stimuli.

Anxiety Status:

anxiety was manifested as a continuum of emotional interruption, that causes a break in the balance of the emotional person , is expressed by means of a subjective feeling of tension, worry, anxiety, nervousness, reactivity. It is associated with activation of the autonomic nervous system, which causes a variety of physiological activities. High levels of state anxiety are particularly unpleasant, disturbing and even painful, to the point of inducing a person to put in place mechanisms of behavioral adaptation aimed to put an end to these feelings. However, these mechanisms can not achieve this goal, leaving room for other behavior, this time type mismatched (avoidant, dependent ...) which brings the opposite effect, ie increasing anxiety further, starting a vicious cycle of pathological.

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Launching of a

First Reception
The first information session is an area that I dedicate listening to personal problems and the exchange of information on the types and modalities of intervention I can offer. Often it is also an opportunity to dispel prejudices and irrational fears commonly associated with the conduct of psychological journey.
Exploration of the Problem and the Question
When the customer decides to undertake a psychological journey, beginning with the spend the first 4-5 meetings to explore the problem situation and presented the request I was made. The meetings are characterized by fairly detailed interview about the history of life and different areas of operation of the customer to identify constructive and realistic goals. These first meetings are also useful for evaluating the presence of motivation and compatibility necessary collaboration.
counseling or psychotherapy?
propose a advice when the problem presented is limited to a specific area of \u200b\u200boperation and the need for better understanding and practice of management itself. I propose a psychotherapy when in fact the discomfort of the person, pervasive and clinically significant, is based on the dysfunctionality of how intrapsychic and interpersonal structured and complex.

How and when
The advice, as a process of definition of the problem situation and exploration of resources and options to manage it, consists of a series meetings, mostly short-term (6-10 months). The
psychotherapy as a process of care, recovery, maturation of the overall structure and depth of personality, but provides a route in the longer term (from 6-12 months). The

goals remains, however, the main parameter from which we evaluate and we agree with the disruption of meetings. It depends largely on the active collaboration and commitment of the patient, also outside psychological seat.
Any difficulties relating to employment or the relationship, often projecting their own dysfunctional ways of treating themselves, others and life, become rather important subject of work in the session.
In any case we reach agreement on the conclusion of a session of work, the objectives achieved and, where appropriate, of aspects or areas of work yet to be explored.

will be developed according to their needs, a weekly fixed space (or two if necessary). The weekly session will last 50 minutes.
commitment will be agreed to be present and punctual by both. Only if exceptions and emergencies you can ask for the recovery of the session on another day, in the current week or next. In respect of the commitment, the seats at the last minute cancellations or jump without warning are subject to charges.

will signed a consent form to the processing of data and agreement on these terms of cooperation .
What emerges in the session is protected by professional secrecy .

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Brief overview of anxiety disorders

Single Panic Attack : Defined period of intense fear characterized by at least 4 symptoms reach peak intensity in the space of 10min: tachycardia, sweating, trembling, choking, chest pain, nausea, feeling dizzy, feeling of unreality, fear of losing control or going crazy, fear of dying, paresthesias (numbness and tingling sensations), chills or hot flushes.

panic disorder with or without agoraphobia : recurrent and unexpected panic attacks accompanied by at least a period of one month in which they occur one or more of the following symptoms: desire to have more panic attacks, fear of the consequences (losing control, having a heart attack, crazy, die ..). The presence or absence of agoraphobia *.

* Agoraphobia without panic : discomfort felt when you are in unfamiliar environments (leaving home, entering shops, standing in line, stay in public places, on public transport or by car) and there are fears of not finding a way out immediately to a safe place or help available if you feel hurt or you notice a symptom embarrassing and incapacitating. Such situations are avoided or experienced with discomfort.

Social Phobia: fear of marked social or performance situations in which one is exposed to the judgments of others, fear to act in a humiliating or embarrassing. Exposure attorney anxiety and panic. The situations are avoided or endured with extreme distress.

specific phobias: a strong and persistent fear of an object, activity or situation which tends to the avoidance thereof. Both the presence of the object of the phobia that the anticipation aroused a deep discomfort (anxiety, panic) in the affected individual, which usually recognizes as its excessive reaction.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Acute Stress : response of the individual, short and long term, to a critical event abnormal (earthquakes, fires, storms, road accidents, abuse, violence, warfare, etc..) mainly characterized by: intrusive flashbacks of the trauma, the state of consciousness similar to stun and confusion, a tendency to avoid anything resembling the traumatic experience, experience nightmares trauma, insomnia, irritability, anxiety, aggression and generalized tension.

Generalized anxiety: excessive concern for most of the day for a multitude of events and that lasts at least 6 months, difficulty controlling worry, restlessness, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, irritability, muscle tension, changes in sleep.

OCD: presence of obsessions (thoughts, images or impulses recurrent, persistent and experienced as uncontrollable) and compulsions (repetitive behaviors or mental acts that the individual feels compelled to run as a sort of ritual, to defend a certain obsession or anxiety). Compulsions may cover different issues such as contamination, order and control.

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The Trap mental (anxiety)

Some psychological processes that the person puts in place to control and manage the anxiety they just reinforce the fear and the belief that we are inadequate

1. Our mind mistakes the sound device anxiety and physiological changes associated with it for something dangerous and uncontrollable . After the first attacks of anxiety and panic, they are not longer needed external stimuli to trigger the chain reaction of psychophysiology. Sometimes you just need a mental picture of a situation or a memory to unleash catastrophic thoughts, negative emotions and anxiety and finally, avoidance behaviors. The person often tends to become hypersensitive to physical sensations and emotions. Instead of using them in a healthy way as signals to act, it scares , interprets them all as dangerous, rather than acting in a constructive way to solve the basic need, try to cancel them, reducing, sedarli.

2. Living their physiological reactions as dangerous, the person tries to control them. continually addressed his attention to listen to the body and physiological parameters and attempt to modulate them. But because they are spontaneous and automatic functions, the same attempt to control their alteration produces . And 'the attempt to control out of control. The alteration of functions, self-determination, it generates catastrophic thoughts, thoughts feed fear and anxiety and the person begins to freeze and to avoid situations.

A rebuttal of this occurs: a.
if during an episode of anxiety and panic, something happens that distracts the person from physical symptoms and negative thoughts, the anxiety and panic attack is defused.
b. if the person has volunteered to amplify and exacerbate his feelings, instead of reducing them groped, it defuses the anxiety attack.

3.La person tends to avoid situations associated with anxiety attacks. The apparent initial relief comes at a high price. Reinforces the idea that the situation is dangerous and reinforces the conviction of the person to be inadequate to deal with it. The strategy of avoidance (when the sound is real danger to life) tends to harden, to become a regular and systematic approach. This mode feeds the distrust in themselves and leads to a more general inaction. Often, the feared situations are multiplying, self-esteem drops dramatically, the restriction of individual freedom is amplified.

A rebuttal of this occurs instead of the gradual exposure to feared situations accompanied by the use of new resources (new ways of thinking, feeling and acting) is the main method to allow the person to strengthen self-esteem and sense of adequacy and, consequently, reduce their state of alarm, if inappropriate or pathological.

4.La person property relations based on the fact that the other, knowing the limits, is raised against him in a protective, accomplice or replacement. The subject in this way once again avoids confrontation with his limitations and confirms his sense of inadequacy . By the time the requests for help increase and increase the fear of facing their own situations.

A rebuttal to this, the face with their own resources left to manage other people's situations, strengthens self-esteem, autonomy and safety.

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pathological anxiety

pathological anxiety is the feel ready to respond even when we would not have reason or need to be responsive when we are ready to shoot and nothing will alarm when we experience a series of physical or psychological signs even though we may feel calm and relaxed. And when everything is painfully acts on us and on those that we are neighbors.
may be that we are not able to overcome quite a dangerous situation, or that the state of alarm and does not correspond to face a real danger and resolve, in which case the anxiety is transformed from a natural, adaptive response to excessive or unrealistic worry and takes on a connotation of mental disorder, losing the function of an element of growth and maturation, rather than becoming an element of disintegration of personality.

Thus anxiety loses its adaptive function aimed at fostering the relationship with the environment, causing the opposite mismatch and loss of contact with the environment .
This scenario can arise for several reasons, generally happens because there is an incorrect assessment of the perceptions we receive from our cognitive processes. When this
happens, the person tends to develop various types of behavior, usually pathological, in order to control the strong anxieties that grip all the time. One example is the
avoidance behavior, by which the person voluntarily and repeatedly avoids contact with a source of anxiety (eg proximity to the dogs in the case of these animals suffer from phobia), fueling a growing fear toward it (reinforcing the irrational fears, catastrophic fantasies, feelings of inadequacy in dealing with them).

In severe cases it may happen that the person loses awareness of the source of their anxiety, removing an unconscious level. The defense mechanism of repression acts as a kind of censorship of the mind, relegating the unpleasant thoughts and memories and threatening to an unconscious part of psyche. These elements are no longer remembered, however, remain present and continue, from time to time, to generate anxiety. At this point anxiety becomes generalized and apparently did not cause visible .

Another important factor to consider is composed of the secondary benefits of avoidance behavior. In fact, those who suffer from anxiety may in a sense "take advantage" of his situation to get help from others, perhaps not so well aware, for example, returning to the example of cinofobico (who suffers from fear of dogs), he could avoid leaving the house alone for fear of being attacked by a dog and ask a family member or friend to accompany him wherever must move away from home. Or even ask another person to perform tasks for him. This type of behavior does nothing but keep the person away from the source of their anxiety by preventing them to address and resolve constructively (and build a sense of self-efficacy and self-esteem necessary).

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The adaptive functions of anxiety

Anxiety, whose Latin etymology refers to concepts such as feel suffocated and feel tight, is characterized by several mostly unpleasant feelings including fear, fear, apprehension, worry, the feeling that things can get out of hand, the need to find an immediate solution and in the case of prolonged exposure, frustration and despair.

But anxiety is a 'natural and universal emotion, it is generated by a mechanism of physiological and psychological stress response which acts to advance the perception of possible danger even before the latter has clearly occurred, putting moving specific physiological responses that lead to the exploration on the one hand to identify the danger and deal with it in a more appropriate and, when necessary to survival, to 'avoidance and eventual escape.


This feature of interest and avoidance in relation to a possible danger is found only in humans and higher animals, and promotes knowledge of the surrounding world and a better adaptation to it.

The system is very complex and involves a reaction that is both physiological and psychological.

Anxiety is an emotion words essential and entirely spontaneous, which serves to protect us from external threats while preparing and motivating us to action to interaction with the surrounding world.

Anxiety has other key functions in addition to those mentioned above: it allows us to engage in the tasks we do every day, especially in activities which do not carry with interest but that we must accomplish. Studying for an examination of little interest, for example, would be almost impossible if there was an underlying thrust of performance anxiety. Also do their jobs daily commitment is not always possible without the pressure of anxiety. Similarly, even a seemingly trivial as to leave the house in time to catch the bus or train would fail miserably if it were free from anxiety.

These types of anxiety are constructive, or they are useful to our survival. Act as an intermediary between the external world and our inner psychic world, enabling us to cope with life's problems and efforts to improve our adaptation to the environment. I am therefore of growth factors and personality development that provide incentives and motivation to increasing .

Without the anxiety many of our behaviors may not provide the ability to adapt to meet a stimulus that appears, sometimes suddenly, to change our balances, while other times we know it in advance and we just have to organize ourselves.
There is therefore a condition natural to the individual, without expectations, preparation, effort, providing a response to what it calls internally or externally.

Anxiety also comes from the memories or emotions, the development of what has happened to us in the past or may happen in future. And then there's the completely unknown form of anxiety and clumsy, coming from the unconscious (Freud said the conflict between a pulse and could not accept the prohibition of consciousness), and rationalize that we do not know that surrounds us because it defies any identification.

Paradoxically, this state of tension is that corresponding to equilibrium. We could not live without this unbalanced situation of equilibrium. Yet more often than not we realize it: we would expect that welfare is the absence of stimuli, but this ideal condition is the only non-existence. The sleep itself, considered as a condition for removal from external stimuli, but is a crossroads of immense stress and unconscious processing necessary for the life of our existence.

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Physiological and psychological anxiety

It 'absolutely certain that human beings inherit a genetic tools that allow the brain during fetal life, in a perfect way to develop defense systems that form the biological basis of anxiety.

The system is very complex and involves a reaction that is both psychological and. Recently, the neurosciences have allowed to "see inside" the brain and have been identified, although still loosely, brain areas, neural circuits that regulate biochemical and this delicate function

When the senses grasp a danger (a sudden noise, scary picture, an unpleasant feeling), get the information through two-way the brain: a.
shortcut: the brain active immediately "emergency device, the amygdala, which in turn alert all brain structures. The result is the classic fear reaction (sweaty palms, tachycardia, increased blood pressure, adrenaline). All this happens before the mind becomes aware of what he heard.
b. the main road: Only when the fear reaction is activated, the conscious mind comes into operation. The information goes to the thalamus and cortex, where they are processed and is "determined" and commanded the reaction of the body.

course, these defenses do not predispose to the development of pathological anxiety, but only to protect the individual from the attacks of the outside world that could endanger our lives.

pathological anxiety, especially with regard to panic disorder as well as OCD, it is possible that you could inherit the "propensity to disease," ie imperfections in the functioning of some biological systems (particularly serotonin).

But that does not mean you inherit the disorder, the brain Plastic is a highly adaptable, and can create situations in life educational, environmental, social or cultural trigger in those predisposed, symptoms of anxiety disorders.

The structuring of a certain type of personality (way of continuing to see himself, others and the world, way of being, thinking and acting) can therefore be regarded as a factor closely related to the mode of reaction type of abnormal anxiety.

There is no single cause for anxiety. There may be a genetic predisposition to be anxious family, may be influenced by education received, the stress caused by a major change in their lives (loss of job, transfer, bereavement, an accident, the birth of a child), low self-esteem. These factors interact in different ways and to varying degrees from person to person.
Biological factors and environmental factors / psychological are closely linked and interdependent.

- Basic biology (basic physiological systems)
- biological predisposition (some speak of imperfections in biological systems)
- Ready psychological (personality structure: ways of thinking, feeling, acting)
- Environmental situation (events life)

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The Personality Disorders

The term "person" means, in a brief and simplistic, the set of characteristics by which an individual thinks and sees himself and the world and builds and manages the interactions.
Everyone has particular characteristics (personality traits) and these traits, in a state of health, they adapt flexibly to different situations, are modeled on the basis of the events, relationships, the circumstances of the here and now.

People with personality disorders other hand, manifests some sections so marked and rigid, even when circumstances require different attitudes and more appropriate.
For example, a person with histrionic personality disorder constantly needs attention and takes on a seductive and provocative attitude even at inappropriate times, not realizing that in such cases this behavior might be embarrassing to those nearby.

Those who have these disorders are not aware of how hard the poor and their way of being, and while others may label them as "strange", "paranoid", "enhanced", according to this disorder, they see perfectly normal, because they consider that the normal mode of operation.

Many people may be defined as "special" for their character, maybe sometimes exuberant, eccentric, obstinate or aggressive, but it comes to personality disorder only when the model is persistent and creates real difficulties for the person himself and those around her. For

personality disorder (DSM-IV), is a habitual pattern of inner experience and behavior that deviates markedly from the expectations of the individual and the culture is manifested in two or more of the following areas:
- cognition (ways of perceiving and interpreting self, others and events)
- affectivity (variety, intensity and appropriateness of emotional response)
- Operation interpersonal
- Control pulse

This model is pervasive and inflexible in a variety of situations, involves a clinically significant distress and impaired functioning in social, occupational or other important areas . The model is usually of long duration and onset can be traced back to adolescence or early adulthood. Not justified as a manifestation or consequence of another mental disorder, nor is it related to the physiological effects of a substance or a general medical condition.

Disorders Personality - Group A: behavior bizarre / eccentric

paranoid personality disorder: those who suffer from this disorder think that others Tramini behind him to deceive. E 'suspicious, convinced that there are conspiracies against him even though there is' no evidence in this regard. The framework is characterized by mistrust and suspicion and the motivations of others are interpreted as malevolent.

schizoid personality disorder : those who suffer from this disorder is a solitary person, which does not seem to import the report with others. Rarely takes pleasure, she has few words and appears without emotion. The framework is characterized detachment from social relationships and a restricted range of emotional expression.

schizotypal personality disorder : those who suffer from this disorder is an eccentric person and feels that he has extrasensory powers or to be particularly intuitive. The framework is characterized by acute discomfort in close relationships, cognitive and perceptual distortions, eccentricities in behavior.

Personality Disorders - Group B: emotional drama / extravagant

borderline personality disorder: those who suffer from this disorder is very impulsive and unstable and in relations with others, both in the image that's self, both in their affections. Change often review and objectives. Framework characterized by strong instability and impulsivity.

histrionic personality disorder : those who suffer from this disorder is a person seductive, theatrical, always looking for attention. Often try to attract through the appearance (or disease). The framework is characterized by excessive emotionality.

narcissistic personality disorder: those who suffer from this disorder feel great, perfect, research by others praise and admiration, as if they were due because of its superiority. The framework is characterized by grandiosity, need for admiration, lack of empathy.

Antisocial Personality Disorder Who suffers from this disorder is a manipulative person that violates the rights of others without feeling guilt. E 'often irresponsible and violent.

Personality Disorders - Group C was anxious and fearful

avoidant personality disorder: those who suffer from this disorder feel shy and insecure and avoids having social relationships for fear of criticism. The framework is characterized by inhibition, feelings of inadequacy, hypersensitivity to negative reviews.

dependent personality disorder: those who suffer from this disorder have great difficulty in making decisions and actions and feels the strong need to be cared for, reassured, supported. The framework is characterized by a submissive behavior related to an excessive need to be taken care of.

Obsessive-compulsive personality : those who suffer from this disorder is a perfectionist, with constant concern for order and precision. The framework is characterized by a pervasive need for supervision.

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A definition of psychotherapy

Psychotherapy is a specialized branch of psychology that deals the treatment of psychopathological disorders of varying severity ranging from slight mismatch deep alienation and can manifest themselves in neurotic or psychotic symptoms such as to prejudice the welfare of a person up to prevent its development leading to effective disability and for this purpose uses application techniques of psychology from which it takes specification: cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, psychoanalytic psychotherapy, and so on. Professionally

psychotherapy is a specialty health reserved for doctors and psychologists and members of their professional associations in Italy is achieved through a course at graduate schools or universities specialization in private schools. The latter legitimized by a Board of Control MUR - Ministry of University and Research - to provide specialist training.

Etymologically, the word psychotherapy, "care of the soul," leads to treatment of the psyche made of psychological tools such as Word, listening, thinking, relationship, conscious change in the purpose of psychological processes which determine the malaise inappropriate or lifestyle characteristics and often by symptoms such as anxiety, depression, phobias, etc..

problems subject to intervention by the therapist range from general discomfort to the existential problems of more structured forms (by structuring neurotic symptoms and psychotic ones), to more serious forms of alienation with delusional interpretation of reality, often with auditory hallucinations, visual or tactile.
may be addressed symptomatic phenomena such as anxiety, depression, manic disorder, phobias, obsessions, eating disorders - anorexia and bulimia - and the sexual, compulsive behavior, substance abuse, etc. . (So-called "Axis I disorders of DSM") as well as personality disorders (axis II disorders of DSM "), or forms of discomfort psychopathologically not structured and complex phenomena such as bullying, marital conflict, and others. In General psychotherapist can also affect the rehabilitation of persons with psychiatric and rehabilitation of drug addicts, both within public health facilities (eg Mental Health Centres for persons in the case of psychiatric and addiction SERT) or within the Community Treatments which may be public or private.

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Psychologist (psychology graduate and Member of the Order of Psychologists) as a consultant has not tasks concerning the prevention and treatment of disease , but common formula on how much more or less synthetic, using tools such as tests, interviews, etc.., could be considered a professional in one or more meetings with a person with a group or environment where the advice is generated for.

There are then individual counseling, group and context (work, security, judicial, industrial, commercial orientation, etc..), Depending on the person to whom the consultant turns his attention, which takes the information and which provides the service.

According to general theories and his own experience, from the results of tests and questionnaires, from the consideration of the observed phenomena, and by listening to those reported by the knowledge of the useful context connotes the observed psychologist obtains the information necessary to describe the state of facts and any potential alternatives in order to guide the person or institution selected to meet the client's desires, needs and possibilities.

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Games Psychological Counselling - Relationship with the same final

Have you ever had a social interaction in which you and the other in the end, you feel both uncomfortable?
in which you said to yourself: "It happened again!", "I thought he / she was different ... but", "How come it happened again?". A situation in which you are surprised by how things turn out, making you account at the same time that there was that final family?
If there is success, it is very likely that, in TA language, you were making a "game" psychological.
Eric Berne, founder of transactional analysis, was the first to speak of "games" and to suggest how to analyze them.

The Games have some specific characteristics:
1. are REPETITIVE : each person plays his favorite over and over again. Actors and content may change but the basic pattern is always the same.
2. are Unaware means a person puts on the scene without realizing it, and even in the final stage, when he realizes the repetition effect of the scheme, is not aware of having contributed to build it itself.
3. involve an exchange of MORE SETTLEMENTS among the players: there is an exchange that takes place in social manifesto and another exchange (more precisely), which occurs at a psychological level, indirect. It 'just that it determines the course of the transaction.
4. involves a moment of surprise or CONFUSION in which the player has the feeling something unexpected happened. People seem to have changed roles.

The games are not fun. So why carry them? AT The authors suggested several hypotheses.
Everyone agrees on one thing: in making a game, the person, instead of using resources and options mature relationship management, active childhood had found that those strategies are instrumental to get attention (good or bad they were). The Schiff also suggest that the games are derived from unresolved symbiotic relationships in which each player devalues \u200b\u200bboth himself and others. Every game is an attempt to maintain a healthy symbiosis or not an angry reaction against the symbiosis itself.

An example.

Jack met Jean. They fall in love and decide to live together. At first everything is fine. Over the months Jack began to suffer Jaen: ignore her needs, rails against the beating, he gets drunk, spends her money. Jean, despite everything, continues to excuse him. The more aggressive he becomes, the more she feels hurt, more excuses. This is for three years. Then, without warning, Jean Jack leaves for another man. Jack finds a note at home, where she tells her that she's gone forever. Jack is amazed, "How could this happen?". Tracked her down and pray. The more he prays, the more she rejects him hard, the more he feels sick. Jack feels depressed, abandoned and asks "What's wrong?" "Never again." The strange thing is that Jack has already had two experiences of rejection that have followed the same pattern. The pattern repeats itself again and he felt surprised and refused. Jean, meanwhile, has already been abused by other men. At first she accepted and then, suddenly, everything has refused, saying once again "all men are equal." Nevertheless, begins relationship with another man and history is repeating itself.

An example.

Molly meets Tom who looks distraught. He says: "My landlord threw me out, I do not know where to go. I do not know what to do." Molly worried: "It 's terrible, how can I help you?". Tom sadly: "I do not know" and waits. Molly then says: "Do not be discouraged, try looking in the newspaper, you can rent a room." He shot down: "I do not have enough money." She: "I can give you help with this." He: "nice of you, but I do not want charity from anyone." Molly: "Well, at least I can book a bed at the hostel until you solve the problem?". Tom: "Thanks, but I do not think I could be among all those people." He falls silent. Molly does not find other solutions. Tom pulls out a long sigh, gets up and walks away saying, "Thanks anyway for trying." Molly asks, "What the hell happened?". He feels stunned, depressed, not up to help others. Tom feels outraged and thinks: "I knew it would help me."

I.STEWART-V. Joines "Transactional Analysis. Guide to the psychology of human relationships "(pgg.295-327)

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The Drama Triangle

Stephen Karpman has developed this tool, the dramatic triangle, to analyze the psychological games (= number of transactions carried out by two additional people in an unconscious way and lead the same, on a repetitive basis and reciprocal basis, to live unpleasant emotions).
He says that whenever we carry out a psychological game we go into one of three roles:

The SALVATORE: Yes strives to help others, often replacing them, thus devaluing the capacity to act, think and manage independently (Confirming the sense of powerlessness ed'inadeguatezza). It attributes value to the extent that it is useful to others (instead of being victims). Victims needs around him to continue the game.

the persecutor : To avoid feeling Victim Calls on others to assume the role. This makes attacking, criticizing, belittled, judged, condemned, depreciating.

The VICTIM: feels inferior to others, devalues \u200b\u200btheir ability to think and act. Go to the search for a persecutor or a Savior who supports it in its place. Each

The role involves a devaluation. Salvatore Persecutor and devalue others, devalues \u200b\u200bthe victim herself.
Three Roles inauthentic, not based on a position on an adult and realistic examination of themselves, of others and of reality. Are the projection on the here and now of strategies children, anachronistic and dysfunctional, to face life.

Usually the person making a game from one of the three roles and then move to another. This change of role is obvious at the time of the surprises that characterizes the game, when the two partners change positions and are both amazed at what has happened (although it can reap the repetition).


Step by Salvatore to Victim: The game of Molly "Why not try a. ..".
Transition from Victim to persecutors: Tom's Game "Yeah .. but. "

Molly meets Tom who looks distraught. He says:" My landlord threw me out, I do not know where to go. I do not know what to do. "Molly worried:" It 's terrible, how can I help you? ". Tom disconsolately," I do not know "and waits (Victim). Molly then says:" Do not be discouraged, try looking in the newspaper You can rent a room "(Salvatore). He shot down:" I do not have enough money. "She:" I can give you help with this. "Him:" nice of you, but I do not want charity from anybody. "Molly: "Well, I can at least book a hostel bed until you solve the problem? ". Tom annoyed:" Thanks, but I do not think I could be among all those people. "He falls silent. Molly does not find other solutions. Tom pulls out a long sigh, gets up and walks away saying, coldly: "Thank you anyway for trying" (persecutory). Molly asks, "What the hell happened?". He feels stunned, depressed, not up to help others (victims). Tom feels indignant and think "incompetent, I knew it would help me."

I.STEWART-V. Joines "Transactional Analysis. Guide to the psychology of human relationships "(pg. 301)
S. WOLLAMS - M. BROWN" Analysis Transactional. Psychotherapy of the person and the relationships "(pg. 183)
E. BERNE, "What game?"

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

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Knowing deep

It 's been a long time since I last wrote on this blog. Several things have changed in my life, and long I have not read the Bible. I would like to start over, at least a little 'while.

Reading today that struck me more 'and' was the Psalm (Ps. 138).

Lord, you search me and know me,
you know when I sit and when I get up.
my thoughts from afar,
examine me when I walk and when to rest.
We are known all my ways.

For you created my inmost
you knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you because I have a wonderfully made;
wonderful are your works.

You know me at the bottom.
you were not hidden
my bones when I was being made in secret, intricately wrought in the depths of the earth

The psalmist wants to say to God that he feels he is known by him to every detail in depth. God has created, miraculously, and knew him even before he had self-awareness'.
E 'a sentiment that runs counter to the common experience we all have on this earth do not even know ourselves so' deeply, let alone another person. Anyone think we know, in reality ', escapes us. Never take anything for granted. Exactly, not even ourselves .. It 'nice to think that there is' Someone who really knows who we are instead, what want, with what and for what we are fighting.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

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Internet addiction

Social communication today is facilitated by the Internet, a tool that allows you to cross the barriers of time and space. The people of "surfers" has grown enormously and now includes all ages. Through the internet you can play, we inform you study, notice, sells, buys, one works, one experiences in virtual reality. But all this facility has not been free from misuses and abuse so that, in recent years (1995, Goldberg), has begun to highlight a new form of dependency in the mental health field, called Internet addiction, Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD).

Those at risk are aged between 15 and 40 years, have a good knowledge of computer science, are often isolated for the purpose of work (eg night shift work) or wide area and usually have psychological problems, psychiatric or family background to the Net-dependence (between these problems stand loneliness, dissatisfaction in marriage, work-related stress, depression, financial problems, insecurity due to the physical, anxiety, struggle to quit other addictions, limited social life, etc ...)

Symptoms Common symptoms: anxiety, insomnia, depression, abnormal sleep patterns, distortion of time, altered perception of oneself, personality disorders, impaired relationships and contact with reality, affective and work, loss of ability to limit time spent on the Net, to the detriment of any other commitment.

The 3 stages on the way to the most stable form of addiction from the Web

1. Initial phase : warning obsessive themes and instruments relating to the use of the network that generates repeated behaviors such as checking e-mail in the same day, research programs and frequent communication tools specific, prolonged chat.

2. Phase tossicofila : increased time spent on-line (often during working hours and at night), with a growing sense of malaise, agitation, lack or low level of activity when it is disconnected (a condition compared to abstinence).

3. Addiction : network-dependent wide-ranging affects the functioning of the person in different areas of life (work, social, emotional, educational). We distinguish between:

The Net, by virtue of its enormous resources (eg. Undo the problems of distance or time, offer the possibility of changing identity and personality through the testing of virtual reality, suspend the consequences and responsibilities of their actions) may induce feelings of omnipotence deleterious .
The constant feature that forms the backdrop to every Internet addiction is the network's ability to respond (or respond to deceive) in many human needs (communication, membership, knowledge, testing of parts of themselves otherwise unacceptable suspension of responsibility ..), allowing you to experience intense feelings and emotions, feeling, at the same time, protected.
For the young age of development and some predisposed individuals, the abuse of the network can create confusion in the distinction between real and virtual, what is part of the real self and what you can experience only virtually . And the abuse of interaction and experimentation in the virtual self can then be accompanied by a deficit or deformation of the normal development of emotional and social skills.

The prevention remains a useful tool for everyone, with special attention some rules in using the Internet by those already involved in psychological distress:
- to limit the amount of time spent online each day (not more than one or two hours), preferably not by establishing a daily habit that must be respected at all costs
- integrating online activities with such real assets (eg shopping, leisure or social relations), as this does not turn the network into a privileged instrument to relax, escape and contact us if
themselves - the real socialization should never be totally replaced by virtual
- if you feel a compulsive and uncontrollable need to connect to the Internet, you seek expert help.

· AA.VV., 1998, the virtual reality, Laterza, Bari
· Cantelmi T. et al., 2000, The Internet in mind. Psychopathology of the conduct on-line, Padova, Piccin.
· Oliviero A. Ferraris, G. Malavasi, 2001, The Mask of desires. In Contemporary Psychology, 166, 30-37.
· Praveen G., A. Beria, Guberti S., 2004, Internet: needs, fears and opportunities. In Contemporary Psychology, 182, 58-64.
· Praveen G., 2002, Web psychology Guerini, Milan.

Friday, May 30, 2008

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My idea of \u200b\u200ba therapeutic relationship

If you are a customer and I am your therapist:

Method contractual

We take joint responsibility to achieve a common goal: your well-being and your autonomy. Both participate in the process of change. We both tasks. That's why we enter into a contract: an assumption of responsibility on the part of both.
Value equal

The term "customer" instead of the "patient" emphasizes the concept of equal value and responsibility. There is no 'then a person "impotent and lower" than in a totally passive to an expert relies "powerful / superior." There are two people (therapist and client) that are of equal value along a path of growth.

Open communication

During our work together you have all the necessary information on the processes at work. I will use non-technical language so that you can understand exactly what we're doing. I will teach you the concepts and tools of Transactional so that you can use them.

Authenticity and unconditional positive regard, empathy

As a therapist I do not hide behind a professional facade, will express thoughts and feelings in an informal and frank , providing a model of what can be putting you in touch with your feelings, expressing them, and are responsible. My position towards you will be based on a profound respect for what you are, for your commitment in an effort to grow and improve, even when not approve your behavior. I will hear you, moment by moment, to understand the feelings from your personal point of view of phenomenology, is that of which you are well aware, from both perspectives that you may still be only dimly aware.

E 'need to focus not on events experienced, but on how they experienced (on personal meanings), because the phenomenological world of every person is the primary determinant of its behavior and that is what makes it unique. As a therapist I have the task of facilitating the growth process of restoring your self-awareness of thoughts, emotions, needs, actions, capabilities and responsibilities.

If you are my client will be responsible for your change, which can be implemented not only when you are in therapy but also outside it, in case of problems in the future. As a therapist I try to manipulate events on your own, rather than have to create conditions that facilitate autonomous decision making on your part. Though acting on your behalf, the process of growth and self-it would only be hindered. Any short-term relief tied to outside intervention, would interfere with the growth long-term, as you would keep in a devalued role and image, dependent and passive. Reclaiming a sense of responsibility, awareness of your resources, testing the effectiveness of your progress will be the building blocks with which you can build autonomy and well-being.

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My conception of man

Everyone is ok. The person, as such, is worthy of respect and acceptance
Every human being has value and is worthy of respect as such, in its essence, regardless of of race, religion, age, sexual preference, etc. achievements in life. We can not accept other's behavior but it is always important to respect the human being.

Everyone has the ability to think

With the exception of those who had severe brain damage all have the ability to think, to reason, to evaluate what we live, to do choices. No matter how strong the calls and the pressures of others, no matter how tragic the circumstances of life, we always choose us to assume the position in relation to them. We have the capacity and power to face reality, we have the responsibility of our existence.

Each determines its own destiny and these decisions, if they bring negative results can be modified
We started from an early age to make decisions about what was right or wrong, useful or not useful to do or be, to be loved and satisfied. On these decisions (regarding ourselves, others, life ..) we have structured our entire existence. Many of these decisions lead us negative and painful. Every decision made can be changed with a new decision that allows us to be satisfied.
natural tendency to self
Every person has a strong incentive to adapt, improve, be realized. Every man by nature tends to be open to experiences, to be responsible, creative and constructive. It is not the instinctual drives to motivate the man, but rather the need to learn, to experiment, relationships and self-rewarding.

Man is "to be" potential and flexibility. The idea of \u200b\u200bhuman nature, understood as a static set of characters and given constituent is a narrow view and devaluing it. Man is not something "given", rather, what distinguishes it from things (mere presence) is the very fact of dealing with the possibility of being. He constantly exceeds the reality in the direction of the possibility transcends itself into a project that draws a world of possible meanings.

The man is always included in the complexity and the totality of the subject / object, mind / body, individual / society, the objective reality / transcendence.

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My conception of My idea of \u200b\u200bdisease

Learning Strategies for Survival

Mental illness in its various forms can be viewed as a distortion of the effort that the individual made towards implementing their potential. Throughout our history, primarily in childhood, we have developed a number of strategies to survive in the world and get the satisfaction of our most important needs. When these strategies, instead of being constantly updated and adapted to new situations and our increasing ability of adults, are applied in a rigid and anachronistic here that the natural tendency to self-jamming.


If there is correspondence between attributes that the subject believes that they have and those who actually owns, he does not develop in a unified, independent and satisfactory (this can occur, for example in cases where problems have arisen in the course of personality development during childhood, when the child needs to be considered positively and accepted without conditions). The person loses touch with oneself, with their moods and their own resources, with their current experiences, lives an inner conflict that hangs in the freedom to grow or to make positive choices for optimal performance. When a person worries excessively assessments, needs and preferences of others, its existence is no longer driven by the innate tendency to self.

Integrity Psycho-Somatic

makes no sense to talk about organic care as opposed to those psychic. The diseases are not just physical or just psychological. All can be studied and addressed both from a biological point of view than from a psychological point of view, with varying results, which may be more or less useful depending on the circumstances. The therapist, physician or psychologist may be, is to assess the situation from different perspectives, emphasizing one or the other in different times and the patient's needs, integrating them instead when needed. No point of view includes all points of view, none is superior to 'other. Sometimes it may be that intervention, at that moment, the other is more appropriate and urgent. To address human problems need the help of various disciplines and the development of integrated treatments that take account not only the biological aspects but also the psychological, relational, social, environmental.

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Healthy people have moved innate drive for self-realization and transformation . They know how to realize their potential adult updating in a flexible and creative strategies used to cope with life. avoiding on or continue in compulsively strategies in anachronistic, self-destructive and dysfunctional.

are autonomous (not employees), capable of making autonomous choices are able to behave in an appropriate and effective are aware (of themselves, emotions, thoughts, behaviors, the situation of the moment, others), are spontaneous (able to be themselves and act in a direct way), do not respond passively to the influence of 'environment or their own inner drives, are capable to conduct targeted and know be committed, by their nature are loving and respectful to others and establish relationships of intimacy know (share genuine emotions).

Health can not be identified with the mere absence of pain or the simple adaptation to the environment. The process of growth and self-feeds creative commitment of the person in carrying out his project existential , demands a lifestyle where we are reduced to simple gear system, but one moves from search for the meaning of their and experiences of their lives.

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Medium and long-term

The therapeutic relationship is a partnership aimed at achieving common goals. The ultimate goal of the course that I make with my clients is the recovery of welfare and autonomy. This is accomplished through some intermediate steps :

▪ Exploring the Meaning of the deep malaise
▪ Personal Identifying mechanisms that keep
▪ Take Awareness Authentic Needs
▪ Develop healthy and realistic goals
▪ Power Tools and personal resources to make new decisions

▪ ▪ concrete action Change

Monday, May 26, 2008

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When it comes to psychological disorder? How to deal with it?


According to the international conventions the inconvenience caused by this issue, to be called psychological disorder, must interfere significantly with the psychosocial functioning of the person. In other words there must be difficulties and impairment in activities of daily living, work or school, or in interpersonal relationships and family . All accompanied by emotional distress.
course, individual expression of a mental disorder can be very variable in intensity, duration, and degree of pain interference with psychosocial functioning.


The main categories of psychological disorders are:
Anxiety disorders (panic attacks, phobias, obsessive compulsive disorder ...)
control disorders pulse (kleptomania, pyromania, trichotillomania ...)
Sleep disorders (insomnia, narcolepsy, bruxism, sleepwalking ...)
disorders (anorexia, bulimia)
mood disorders (depression, manic depression ...)
personality disorders' (paranoid, borderline, narcissistic ...)
disorders in childhood (mental retardation, autism, stuttering, dyslexia, enuresis, tic ...)
Psychotic disorders (schizophrenia, delusional disorder)
sexual disorders (impotence, frigidity, 'premature ejaculation, perversions ...)
somatoform disorders (hypochondriasis, somatization, conversion ...)
Addiction and drugs (stimulants, opiates, cannabinoids, alcohol ...)
New addictions (gambling, shopping and the Internet.)


The conditions of suffering and disease are revealing psychosomatic integrity, which requires to be understood, a complex and multidisciplinary vision to which the traditional science, with its specialized industry and often unwilling to cooperate, does not seem to be more prepared. Even today, at the dawn of the twenty-first century, many scholars persist in the idea of \u200b\u200ba separation between mind and body, physical health and mental health. From this it follows a sectoral approach to therapy only and reductive (only biological or psychological only).

makes no sense to talk about organic care as opposed to psychological ones. diseases are not just physical or just psychological. All can be studied and addressed both from a biological point of view than from a psychological point of view, with different risultai, which may be more or less useful depending on the circumstances .
task of the therapist, physician or psychologist may be, is to assess the situation from different perspectives, emphasizing one or the other depending on different times and needs of the patient. No point of view includes all points of view, none is superior to 'other. Sometimes it may be that intervention, at that moment, the other is more appropriate and urgent.

to address human problems need the help of various disciplines and the development of integrated treatments that take account not only the biological aspects but also the psychological, relational, social, environmental.

Remove a symptom (eg. Anxiety) by a drug (physical care), making a great relief to the person who suffers, but if this treatment is not accompanied by a psychological journey to understanding the causes and strategies that have created and nurtured (personal lifestyle, social, emotional, occupational, etc.) and to effect real change, the relief obtained will prove only temporary and often superficial and there will be an Appeal of the same symptoms recur or other symptoms. Conversely, a work of psychological type, centered on understanding the causes and activation of specific changes, it is often impossible when the person is completely debilitated by the physical symptoms (eg. An anorexic girl who risks his life to malnutrition) and requires first and foremost health care

The knowledge gained and research in the field have amply demonstrated the efficacy of collaboration and synergy between biological and psychological treatments . The separation between bodily and psychological aspects of an idea is erroneous, which creates discomfort and confusion for patients and which do not guarantee them a full and lasting improvement.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

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Homophobia and psychological consequences

A person is defined as homosexual experiences feelings of falling in love, desire and erotic attraction to persons of the same sex. Although there are different theories of type both biological and psychological, at present there is still no scientific study or a case officer who can, with absolute certainty, explain why a person becomes a homosexual because another and become heterosexual .

Homosexuality is not a disease
The only thing you know that homosexuality is not a disease but merely a normal variant of human sexuality. The word homosexuality has been removed permanently from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders , manual where psychologists and psychiatrists are the guidelines by which to determine the presence or absence of a mental disorder since 1973. The document American Psychiatric Association (APA), which sanctioned this change, stated: " Homosexuality in itself does not imply a deterioration in the trial, adaptation, value or general social skills and motivation of an individual . "For a long time, therefore, it is unjustified to consider homosexuality as an illness. The idea that we are all heterosexual, that is normal and healthy to choose a partner of the opposite sex (heterosexism) and that in nature there are no homosexual behavior ("Homosexuality
is against nature") is a false belief . In fact, even in the animal (hamsters, guinea pigs, mice, rabbits, porcupines, goats, horses, pigs, lions, sheep, monkeys, and chimpanzees) are homosexual behavior.

Homophobia and Heterosexism
However ordinary people still have this prejudice and gay men continue to be victims of a society dominated by homophobic and heterosexist. The term homophobia literally means fear of same-sex "shows the intolerance and negative feelings that people have against homosexuals . can occur in very different ways: from the courts, to verbal abuse, up to real threats or physical assault. Homophobia comes from the false belief that we are all heterosexual, and that is normal and healthy to choose a partner of the opposite sex .
The company is often distrustful of diversity, to the point of dangerous goods. This lack of trust involved, throughout history, all the minority carriers of new values \u200b\u200bor different because they are considered threats to conventional values. Prejudice is reinforced by ignorance and lack of contact with diversity (homophobic individuals, for example, often do not know the reality of gay and have an abstract based on hearsay). Finally, we all tend to act in a manner consistent with what is considered desirable and appropriate in accordance with the prevailing social conventions. This mechanism, for example, is the basis of the fact that it is customary to deride homosexuals because it is customary to do so. The negative beliefs toward homosexuality is so widespread in our society that homosexuals themselves tend to be homophobic (internalized homophobia) .

internalized homophobia
internalized homophobia indicates the set of feelings (anger, anxiety, guilt, etc..) And negative attitudes toward homosexual features in oneself and others. Its development is considered, however, a normal process in the life of homosexuals because it is an inevitable consequence of the fact that all children are exposed to heterosexist norms and experienced in the course of its growth, negative attitudes and emotions toward their homosexuality.

growth difficult
Hostility towards homosexuality (homophobia
) is so widespread in our society that most young gay people had for parents homophobic and, during his childhood and adolescence, he attended teachers, classmates, family friends, etc.., homophobic. During the exploration of identity, then, is already aware of the lack of approval of homosexual behavior by the company and has already learned from the cultural context, it is worth trying homoerotic feelings of shame. E 'during adolescence is often inevitable that gay people see themselves as different and inadequate and that many of them to choose the social withdrawal and isolation . At first, the teenager can not explain to himself the their diversity, it is only with the passage of time becomes aware of feelings of love and feeling attraction towards persons of the same sex. This awareness, as living in a homophobic context, may seriously impair the conduct of social life: some people prefer to isolate themselves and live their homosexuality in privacy, others are hiding behind a conventional lifestyle, increasing the gap between "identity public "and" private identity-homosexual. " During adolescence, all homosexuals, or near, they fear that others are aware of their sexual orientation and develop, therefore, greater attention against the social context, they become more sensitive to insults of their peers. The development of a network of friends is very slow, mainly because of fear of being rejected. The fear of rejection makes many young gay people often become dependent on a small network of people to whom they have revealed their sexual orientation. Thus, during adolescence, they are talking about himself and his problems with a few people and at the same time, hide their sexuality to all others (including parents and siblings). This situation heightens the perception of their diversity. Finally, the difficulty of speaking with other self- helping young people uncritical internalization of homophobic and heterosexist assumptions of society, which are due to the isolation itself.

psychological disorders in homosexuality
The document American Psychiatric Association (APA) states, "Homosexuality in itself does not imply a deterioration in the trial, adaptation, value or general social skills or motivational an individual. "
Scientific research on the subject is that homosexuals have a high prevalence of psychiatric disorders, including depression, panic attacks
, generalized anxiety, suicide attempts. Some scholars believe the stigma, prejudice and discrimination create a social environment so stressful that support the development of psychological problems. More specifically, the process of stress depends on several factors linked to them, the events where you're a victim of prejudice (discrimination and violence), the expectation of rejection by the other, hiding the coping strategies, lack of social support, and finally internalized homophobia. This hypothesis now appears to be the most appropriate theory to explain the high prevalence of psychiatric disorders in homosexuals.
E 'injury and discrimination that greatly affect individual development and behavior. It 's because of the refusal that the homosexual person, from his youth, he experiences feelings of diversity
and emotional pain that the push towards social isolation and its failure to come out (coming out ) and express themselves and grow like everyone else.
In the following excerpt, Thomas Couser (1996) describes what it means to be a victim of discrimination and verbal violence and explains how he felt when he saw his car covered with offensive written about his homosexuality: " The possibility that could be observed made me paranoid. Is this what it means to be gay ... be constantly annoyed by people completely unrelated. In the span of these brief moments, I began to think that it takes a good dose of courage to be openly gay ... I felt as vulnerable! For several days I felt shock and fear, fear that the incident could be repeated or that violence could increase. I felt violated and I was angry my inability to react. I felt like I had been labeled forever ... the stereotypes of gender and homophobia belittle and make us all inhuman "(Couser T., 1996, p.56).