Monday, September 15, 2008

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A definition of psychotherapy

Psychotherapy is a specialized branch of psychology that deals the treatment of psychopathological disorders of varying severity ranging from slight mismatch deep alienation and can manifest themselves in neurotic or psychotic symptoms such as to prejudice the welfare of a person up to prevent its development leading to effective disability and for this purpose uses application techniques of psychology from which it takes specification: cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, psychoanalytic psychotherapy, and so on. Professionally

psychotherapy is a specialty health reserved for doctors and psychologists and members of their professional associations in Italy is achieved through a course at graduate schools or universities specialization in private schools. The latter legitimized by a Board of Control MUR - Ministry of University and Research - to provide specialist training.

Etymologically, the word psychotherapy, "care of the soul," leads to treatment of the psyche made of psychological tools such as Word, listening, thinking, relationship, conscious change in the purpose of psychological processes which determine the malaise inappropriate or lifestyle characteristics and often by symptoms such as anxiety, depression, phobias, etc..

problems subject to intervention by the therapist range from general discomfort to the existential problems of more structured forms (by structuring neurotic symptoms and psychotic ones), to more serious forms of alienation with delusional interpretation of reality, often with auditory hallucinations, visual or tactile.
may be addressed symptomatic phenomena such as anxiety, depression, manic disorder, phobias, obsessions, eating disorders - anorexia and bulimia - and the sexual, compulsive behavior, substance abuse, etc. . (So-called "Axis I disorders of DSM") as well as personality disorders (axis II disorders of DSM "), or forms of discomfort psychopathologically not structured and complex phenomena such as bullying, marital conflict, and others. In General psychotherapist can also affect the rehabilitation of persons with psychiatric and rehabilitation of drug addicts, both within public health facilities (eg Mental Health Centres for persons in the case of psychiatric and addiction SERT) or within the Community Treatments which may be public or private.


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