Monday, September 15, 2008

Sample Letter To Conduct A Community Service

Trait anxiety and state anxiety

Anxiety is not manifested as a unitary phenomenon, which can detect two different types of anxiety:

trait anxiety:

This type of anxiety is characterized as a relatively stable component of personality.
The so-called "trait anxiety" is a characteristic of the personality of some people who tend to have the defense system of anxiety particularly strong, so much to live most experience so worried, agitated, restless , anxious precisely. In practice the style of perception anxious type of person extends to all areas of his life experience, becoming in effect a feature of personality.
Those who show a more developed treatment of anxiety show a greater responsiveness a large number of stimuli in short react with concern, even in those situations that are not a source of threat to most individuals. These people are more likely to present circumstances in state anxiety and low potential source of anxiety, such as the normal daily activities, or to experience higher levels of state anxiety in the presence of anxiety-inducing stimuli.

Anxiety Status:

anxiety was manifested as a continuum of emotional interruption, that causes a break in the balance of the emotional person , is expressed by means of a subjective feeling of tension, worry, anxiety, nervousness, reactivity. It is associated with activation of the autonomic nervous system, which causes a variety of physiological activities. High levels of state anxiety are particularly unpleasant, disturbing and even painful, to the point of inducing a person to put in place mechanisms of behavioral adaptation aimed to put an end to these feelings. However, these mechanisms can not achieve this goal, leaving room for other behavior, this time type mismatched (avoidant, dependent ...) which brings the opposite effect, ie increasing anxiety further, starting a vicious cycle of pathological.


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