Monday, September 15, 2008

Volleyball Hair Ribbins

pathological anxiety

pathological anxiety is the feel ready to respond even when we would not have reason or need to be responsive when we are ready to shoot and nothing will alarm when we experience a series of physical or psychological signs even though we may feel calm and relaxed. And when everything is painfully acts on us and on those that we are neighbors.
may be that we are not able to overcome quite a dangerous situation, or that the state of alarm and does not correspond to face a real danger and resolve, in which case the anxiety is transformed from a natural, adaptive response to excessive or unrealistic worry and takes on a connotation of mental disorder, losing the function of an element of growth and maturation, rather than becoming an element of disintegration of personality.

Thus anxiety loses its adaptive function aimed at fostering the relationship with the environment, causing the opposite mismatch and loss of contact with the environment .
This scenario can arise for several reasons, generally happens because there is an incorrect assessment of the perceptions we receive from our cognitive processes. When this
happens, the person tends to develop various types of behavior, usually pathological, in order to control the strong anxieties that grip all the time. One example is the
avoidance behavior, by which the person voluntarily and repeatedly avoids contact with a source of anxiety (eg proximity to the dogs in the case of these animals suffer from phobia), fueling a growing fear toward it (reinforcing the irrational fears, catastrophic fantasies, feelings of inadequacy in dealing with them).

In severe cases it may happen that the person loses awareness of the source of their anxiety, removing an unconscious level. The defense mechanism of repression acts as a kind of censorship of the mind, relegating the unpleasant thoughts and memories and threatening to an unconscious part of psyche. These elements are no longer remembered, however, remain present and continue, from time to time, to generate anxiety. At this point anxiety becomes generalized and apparently did not cause visible .

Another important factor to consider is composed of the secondary benefits of avoidance behavior. In fact, those who suffer from anxiety may in a sense "take advantage" of his situation to get help from others, perhaps not so well aware, for example, returning to the example of cinofobico (who suffers from fear of dogs), he could avoid leaving the house alone for fear of being attacked by a dog and ask a family member or friend to accompany him wherever must move away from home. Or even ask another person to perform tasks for him. This type of behavior does nothing but keep the person away from the source of their anxiety by preventing them to address and resolve constructively (and build a sense of self-efficacy and self-esteem necessary).


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