Monday, September 15, 2008

Little White Blisters In Back Of Throat

The Personality Disorders

The term "person" means, in a brief and simplistic, the set of characteristics by which an individual thinks and sees himself and the world and builds and manages the interactions.
Everyone has particular characteristics (personality traits) and these traits, in a state of health, they adapt flexibly to different situations, are modeled on the basis of the events, relationships, the circumstances of the here and now.

People with personality disorders other hand, manifests some sections so marked and rigid, even when circumstances require different attitudes and more appropriate.
For example, a person with histrionic personality disorder constantly needs attention and takes on a seductive and provocative attitude even at inappropriate times, not realizing that in such cases this behavior might be embarrassing to those nearby.

Those who have these disorders are not aware of how hard the poor and their way of being, and while others may label them as "strange", "paranoid", "enhanced", according to this disorder, they see perfectly normal, because they consider that the normal mode of operation.

Many people may be defined as "special" for their character, maybe sometimes exuberant, eccentric, obstinate or aggressive, but it comes to personality disorder only when the model is persistent and creates real difficulties for the person himself and those around her. For

personality disorder (DSM-IV), is a habitual pattern of inner experience and behavior that deviates markedly from the expectations of the individual and the culture is manifested in two or more of the following areas:
- cognition (ways of perceiving and interpreting self, others and events)
- affectivity (variety, intensity and appropriateness of emotional response)
- Operation interpersonal
- Control pulse

This model is pervasive and inflexible in a variety of situations, involves a clinically significant distress and impaired functioning in social, occupational or other important areas . The model is usually of long duration and onset can be traced back to adolescence or early adulthood. Not justified as a manifestation or consequence of another mental disorder, nor is it related to the physiological effects of a substance or a general medical condition.

Disorders Personality - Group A: behavior bizarre / eccentric

paranoid personality disorder: those who suffer from this disorder think that others Tramini behind him to deceive. E 'suspicious, convinced that there are conspiracies against him even though there is' no evidence in this regard. The framework is characterized by mistrust and suspicion and the motivations of others are interpreted as malevolent.

schizoid personality disorder : those who suffer from this disorder is a solitary person, which does not seem to import the report with others. Rarely takes pleasure, she has few words and appears without emotion. The framework is characterized detachment from social relationships and a restricted range of emotional expression.

schizotypal personality disorder : those who suffer from this disorder is an eccentric person and feels that he has extrasensory powers or to be particularly intuitive. The framework is characterized by acute discomfort in close relationships, cognitive and perceptual distortions, eccentricities in behavior.

Personality Disorders - Group B: emotional drama / extravagant

borderline personality disorder: those who suffer from this disorder is very impulsive and unstable and in relations with others, both in the image that's self, both in their affections. Change often review and objectives. Framework characterized by strong instability and impulsivity.

histrionic personality disorder : those who suffer from this disorder is a person seductive, theatrical, always looking for attention. Often try to attract through the appearance (or disease). The framework is characterized by excessive emotionality.

narcissistic personality disorder: those who suffer from this disorder feel great, perfect, research by others praise and admiration, as if they were due because of its superiority. The framework is characterized by grandiosity, need for admiration, lack of empathy.

Antisocial Personality Disorder Who suffers from this disorder is a manipulative person that violates the rights of others without feeling guilt. E 'often irresponsible and violent.

Personality Disorders - Group C was anxious and fearful

avoidant personality disorder: those who suffer from this disorder feel shy and insecure and avoids having social relationships for fear of criticism. The framework is characterized by inhibition, feelings of inadequacy, hypersensitivity to negative reviews.

dependent personality disorder: those who suffer from this disorder have great difficulty in making decisions and actions and feels the strong need to be cared for, reassured, supported. The framework is characterized by a submissive behavior related to an excessive need to be taken care of.

Obsessive-compulsive personality : those who suffer from this disorder is a perfectionist, with constant concern for order and precision. The framework is characterized by a pervasive need for supervision.


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