Monday, September 15, 2008

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The adaptive functions of anxiety

Anxiety, whose Latin etymology refers to concepts such as feel suffocated and feel tight, is characterized by several mostly unpleasant feelings including fear, fear, apprehension, worry, the feeling that things can get out of hand, the need to find an immediate solution and in the case of prolonged exposure, frustration and despair.

But anxiety is a 'natural and universal emotion, it is generated by a mechanism of physiological and psychological stress response which acts to advance the perception of possible danger even before the latter has clearly occurred, putting moving specific physiological responses that lead to the exploration on the one hand to identify the danger and deal with it in a more appropriate and, when necessary to survival, to 'avoidance and eventual escape.


This feature of interest and avoidance in relation to a possible danger is found only in humans and higher animals, and promotes knowledge of the surrounding world and a better adaptation to it.

The system is very complex and involves a reaction that is both physiological and psychological.

Anxiety is an emotion words essential and entirely spontaneous, which serves to protect us from external threats while preparing and motivating us to action to interaction with the surrounding world.

Anxiety has other key functions in addition to those mentioned above: it allows us to engage in the tasks we do every day, especially in activities which do not carry with interest but that we must accomplish. Studying for an examination of little interest, for example, would be almost impossible if there was an underlying thrust of performance anxiety. Also do their jobs daily commitment is not always possible without the pressure of anxiety. Similarly, even a seemingly trivial as to leave the house in time to catch the bus or train would fail miserably if it were free from anxiety.

These types of anxiety are constructive, or they are useful to our survival. Act as an intermediary between the external world and our inner psychic world, enabling us to cope with life's problems and efforts to improve our adaptation to the environment. I am therefore of growth factors and personality development that provide incentives and motivation to increasing .

Without the anxiety many of our behaviors may not provide the ability to adapt to meet a stimulus that appears, sometimes suddenly, to change our balances, while other times we know it in advance and we just have to organize ourselves.
There is therefore a condition natural to the individual, without expectations, preparation, effort, providing a response to what it calls internally or externally.

Anxiety also comes from the memories or emotions, the development of what has happened to us in the past or may happen in future. And then there's the completely unknown form of anxiety and clumsy, coming from the unconscious (Freud said the conflict between a pulse and could not accept the prohibition of consciousness), and rationalize that we do not know that surrounds us because it defies any identification.

Paradoxically, this state of tension is that corresponding to equilibrium. We could not live without this unbalanced situation of equilibrium. Yet more often than not we realize it: we would expect that welfare is the absence of stimuli, but this ideal condition is the only non-existence. The sleep itself, considered as a condition for removal from external stimuli, but is a crossroads of immense stress and unconscious processing necessary for the life of our existence.


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