Monday, September 15, 2008

Dakar,senegal Refugee Camp

The Trap mental (anxiety)

Some psychological processes that the person puts in place to control and manage the anxiety they just reinforce the fear and the belief that we are inadequate

1. Our mind mistakes the sound device anxiety and physiological changes associated with it for something dangerous and uncontrollable . After the first attacks of anxiety and panic, they are not longer needed external stimuli to trigger the chain reaction of psychophysiology. Sometimes you just need a mental picture of a situation or a memory to unleash catastrophic thoughts, negative emotions and anxiety and finally, avoidance behaviors. The person often tends to become hypersensitive to physical sensations and emotions. Instead of using them in a healthy way as signals to act, it scares , interprets them all as dangerous, rather than acting in a constructive way to solve the basic need, try to cancel them, reducing, sedarli.

2. Living their physiological reactions as dangerous, the person tries to control them. continually addressed his attention to listen to the body and physiological parameters and attempt to modulate them. But because they are spontaneous and automatic functions, the same attempt to control their alteration produces . And 'the attempt to control out of control. The alteration of functions, self-determination, it generates catastrophic thoughts, thoughts feed fear and anxiety and the person begins to freeze and to avoid situations.

A rebuttal of this occurs: a.
if during an episode of anxiety and panic, something happens that distracts the person from physical symptoms and negative thoughts, the anxiety and panic attack is defused.
b. if the person has volunteered to amplify and exacerbate his feelings, instead of reducing them groped, it defuses the anxiety attack.

3.La person tends to avoid situations associated with anxiety attacks. The apparent initial relief comes at a high price. Reinforces the idea that the situation is dangerous and reinforces the conviction of the person to be inadequate to deal with it. The strategy of avoidance (when the sound is real danger to life) tends to harden, to become a regular and systematic approach. This mode feeds the distrust in themselves and leads to a more general inaction. Often, the feared situations are multiplying, self-esteem drops dramatically, the restriction of individual freedom is amplified.

A rebuttal of this occurs instead of the gradual exposure to feared situations accompanied by the use of new resources (new ways of thinking, feeling and acting) is the main method to allow the person to strengthen self-esteem and sense of adequacy and, consequently, reduce their state of alarm, if inappropriate or pathological.

4.La person property relations based on the fact that the other, knowing the limits, is raised against him in a protective, accomplice or replacement. The subject in this way once again avoids confrontation with his limitations and confirms his sense of inadequacy . By the time the requests for help increase and increase the fear of facing their own situations.

A rebuttal to this, the face with their own resources left to manage other people's situations, strengthens self-esteem, autonomy and safety.


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