Monday, September 15, 2008

Myammee's Phone Number

Physiological and psychological anxiety

It 'absolutely certain that human beings inherit a genetic tools that allow the brain during fetal life, in a perfect way to develop defense systems that form the biological basis of anxiety.

The system is very complex and involves a reaction that is both psychological and. Recently, the neurosciences have allowed to "see inside" the brain and have been identified, although still loosely, brain areas, neural circuits that regulate biochemical and this delicate function

When the senses grasp a danger (a sudden noise, scary picture, an unpleasant feeling), get the information through two-way the brain: a.
shortcut: the brain active immediately "emergency device, the amygdala, which in turn alert all brain structures. The result is the classic fear reaction (sweaty palms, tachycardia, increased blood pressure, adrenaline). All this happens before the mind becomes aware of what he heard.
b. the main road: Only when the fear reaction is activated, the conscious mind comes into operation. The information goes to the thalamus and cortex, where they are processed and is "determined" and commanded the reaction of the body.

course, these defenses do not predispose to the development of pathological anxiety, but only to protect the individual from the attacks of the outside world that could endanger our lives.

pathological anxiety, especially with regard to panic disorder as well as OCD, it is possible that you could inherit the "propensity to disease," ie imperfections in the functioning of some biological systems (particularly serotonin).

But that does not mean you inherit the disorder, the brain Plastic is a highly adaptable, and can create situations in life educational, environmental, social or cultural trigger in those predisposed, symptoms of anxiety disorders.

The structuring of a certain type of personality (way of continuing to see himself, others and the world, way of being, thinking and acting) can therefore be regarded as a factor closely related to the mode of reaction type of abnormal anxiety.

There is no single cause for anxiety. There may be a genetic predisposition to be anxious family, may be influenced by education received, the stress caused by a major change in their lives (loss of job, transfer, bereavement, an accident, the birth of a child), low self-esteem. These factors interact in different ways and to varying degrees from person to person.
Biological factors and environmental factors / psychological are closely linked and interdependent.

- Basic biology (basic physiological systems)
- biological predisposition (some speak of imperfections in biological systems)
- Ready psychological (personality structure: ways of thinking, feeling, acting)
- Environmental situation (events life)


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