Monday, September 15, 2008

How To Make Talking In Microphone Reverb

The Drama Triangle

Stephen Karpman has developed this tool, the dramatic triangle, to analyze the psychological games (= number of transactions carried out by two additional people in an unconscious way and lead the same, on a repetitive basis and reciprocal basis, to live unpleasant emotions).
He says that whenever we carry out a psychological game we go into one of three roles:

The SALVATORE: Yes strives to help others, often replacing them, thus devaluing the capacity to act, think and manage independently (Confirming the sense of powerlessness ed'inadeguatezza). It attributes value to the extent that it is useful to others (instead of being victims). Victims needs around him to continue the game.

the persecutor : To avoid feeling Victim Calls on others to assume the role. This makes attacking, criticizing, belittled, judged, condemned, depreciating.

The VICTIM: feels inferior to others, devalues \u200b\u200btheir ability to think and act. Go to the search for a persecutor or a Savior who supports it in its place. Each

The role involves a devaluation. Salvatore Persecutor and devalue others, devalues \u200b\u200bthe victim herself.
Three Roles inauthentic, not based on a position on an adult and realistic examination of themselves, of others and of reality. Are the projection on the here and now of strategies children, anachronistic and dysfunctional, to face life.

Usually the person making a game from one of the three roles and then move to another. This change of role is obvious at the time of the surprises that characterizes the game, when the two partners change positions and are both amazed at what has happened (although it can reap the repetition).


Step by Salvatore to Victim: The game of Molly "Why not try a. ..".
Transition from Victim to persecutors: Tom's Game "Yeah .. but. "

Molly meets Tom who looks distraught. He says:" My landlord threw me out, I do not know where to go. I do not know what to do. "Molly worried:" It 's terrible, how can I help you? ". Tom disconsolately," I do not know "and waits (Victim). Molly then says:" Do not be discouraged, try looking in the newspaper You can rent a room "(Salvatore). He shot down:" I do not have enough money. "She:" I can give you help with this. "Him:" nice of you, but I do not want charity from anybody. "Molly: "Well, I can at least book a hostel bed until you solve the problem? ". Tom annoyed:" Thanks, but I do not think I could be among all those people. "He falls silent. Molly does not find other solutions. Tom pulls out a long sigh, gets up and walks away saying, coldly: "Thank you anyway for trying" (persecutory). Molly asks, "What the hell happened?". He feels stunned, depressed, not up to help others (victims). Tom feels indignant and think "incompetent, I knew it would help me."

I.STEWART-V. Joines "Transactional Analysis. Guide to the psychology of human relationships "(pg. 301)
S. WOLLAMS - M. BROWN" Analysis Transactional. Psychotherapy of the person and the relationships "(pg. 183)
E. BERNE, "What game?"


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