Monday, September 15, 2008

Actresses That Have Shown Their Boobs

Brief overview of anxiety disorders

Single Panic Attack : Defined period of intense fear characterized by at least 4 symptoms reach peak intensity in the space of 10min: tachycardia, sweating, trembling, choking, chest pain, nausea, feeling dizzy, feeling of unreality, fear of losing control or going crazy, fear of dying, paresthesias (numbness and tingling sensations), chills or hot flushes.

panic disorder with or without agoraphobia : recurrent and unexpected panic attacks accompanied by at least a period of one month in which they occur one or more of the following symptoms: desire to have more panic attacks, fear of the consequences (losing control, having a heart attack, crazy, die ..). The presence or absence of agoraphobia *.

* Agoraphobia without panic : discomfort felt when you are in unfamiliar environments (leaving home, entering shops, standing in line, stay in public places, on public transport or by car) and there are fears of not finding a way out immediately to a safe place or help available if you feel hurt or you notice a symptom embarrassing and incapacitating. Such situations are avoided or experienced with discomfort.

Social Phobia: fear of marked social or performance situations in which one is exposed to the judgments of others, fear to act in a humiliating or embarrassing. Exposure attorney anxiety and panic. The situations are avoided or endured with extreme distress.

specific phobias: a strong and persistent fear of an object, activity or situation which tends to the avoidance thereof. Both the presence of the object of the phobia that the anticipation aroused a deep discomfort (anxiety, panic) in the affected individual, which usually recognizes as its excessive reaction.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Acute Stress : response of the individual, short and long term, to a critical event abnormal (earthquakes, fires, storms, road accidents, abuse, violence, warfare, etc..) mainly characterized by: intrusive flashbacks of the trauma, the state of consciousness similar to stun and confusion, a tendency to avoid anything resembling the traumatic experience, experience nightmares trauma, insomnia, irritability, anxiety, aggression and generalized tension.

Generalized anxiety: excessive concern for most of the day for a multitude of events and that lasts at least 6 months, difficulty controlling worry, restlessness, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, irritability, muscle tension, changes in sleep.

OCD: presence of obsessions (thoughts, images or impulses recurrent, persistent and experienced as uncontrollable) and compulsions (repetitive behaviors or mental acts that the individual feels compelled to run as a sort of ritual, to defend a certain obsession or anxiety). Compulsions may cover different issues such as contamination, order and control.


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