Monday, May 26, 2008

Microsoft Mouse 0560 Driver

When it comes to psychological disorder? How to deal with it?


According to the international conventions the inconvenience caused by this issue, to be called psychological disorder, must interfere significantly with the psychosocial functioning of the person. In other words there must be difficulties and impairment in activities of daily living, work or school, or in interpersonal relationships and family . All accompanied by emotional distress.
course, individual expression of a mental disorder can be very variable in intensity, duration, and degree of pain interference with psychosocial functioning.


The main categories of psychological disorders are:
Anxiety disorders (panic attacks, phobias, obsessive compulsive disorder ...)
control disorders pulse (kleptomania, pyromania, trichotillomania ...)
Sleep disorders (insomnia, narcolepsy, bruxism, sleepwalking ...)
disorders (anorexia, bulimia)
mood disorders (depression, manic depression ...)
personality disorders' (paranoid, borderline, narcissistic ...)
disorders in childhood (mental retardation, autism, stuttering, dyslexia, enuresis, tic ...)
Psychotic disorders (schizophrenia, delusional disorder)
sexual disorders (impotence, frigidity, 'premature ejaculation, perversions ...)
somatoform disorders (hypochondriasis, somatization, conversion ...)
Addiction and drugs (stimulants, opiates, cannabinoids, alcohol ...)
New addictions (gambling, shopping and the Internet.)


The conditions of suffering and disease are revealing psychosomatic integrity, which requires to be understood, a complex and multidisciplinary vision to which the traditional science, with its specialized industry and often unwilling to cooperate, does not seem to be more prepared. Even today, at the dawn of the twenty-first century, many scholars persist in the idea of \u200b\u200ba separation between mind and body, physical health and mental health. From this it follows a sectoral approach to therapy only and reductive (only biological or psychological only).

makes no sense to talk about organic care as opposed to psychological ones. diseases are not just physical or just psychological. All can be studied and addressed both from a biological point of view than from a psychological point of view, with different risultai, which may be more or less useful depending on the circumstances .
task of the therapist, physician or psychologist may be, is to assess the situation from different perspectives, emphasizing one or the other depending on different times and needs of the patient. No point of view includes all points of view, none is superior to 'other. Sometimes it may be that intervention, at that moment, the other is more appropriate and urgent.

to address human problems need the help of various disciplines and the development of integrated treatments that take account not only the biological aspects but also the psychological, relational, social, environmental.

Remove a symptom (eg. Anxiety) by a drug (physical care), making a great relief to the person who suffers, but if this treatment is not accompanied by a psychological journey to understanding the causes and strategies that have created and nurtured (personal lifestyle, social, emotional, occupational, etc.) and to effect real change, the relief obtained will prove only temporary and often superficial and there will be an Appeal of the same symptoms recur or other symptoms. Conversely, a work of psychological type, centered on understanding the causes and activation of specific changes, it is often impossible when the person is completely debilitated by the physical symptoms (eg. An anorexic girl who risks his life to malnutrition) and requires first and foremost health care

The knowledge gained and research in the field have amply demonstrated the efficacy of collaboration and synergy between biological and psychological treatments . The separation between bodily and psychological aspects of an idea is erroneous, which creates discomfort and confusion for patients and which do not guarantee them a full and lasting improvement.


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