Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Pokemon Deluge Best Attack Guide

The philosophical assumptions of Transactional Analysis

a) everyone is OK: the person, as such, is worthy of respect and acceptance. "I accept me and recognize my worth. I accept you and recognize your value. It may be that sometimes do not agree with what you do, but always accept what you are. We are on the same level. I'm not over you, or you are superior to me "

This principle calls for having a positive attitude towards themselves and towards others. This is the respect and recognition of the value of the individual in its essence, regardless of race, religion, age, sexual preference, etc. achievements in life. There is always room for questioning the conduct of a person. But beware: The behavior is never the whole person. Respect self and others and get into a relationship of equality is the location, the only one that allows the building of healthy relationships and constructive where we can address the problem behaviors and resolve them in a position of mutual availability. The sentence, the attack, the devaluation of themselves or others suffering feeding, defense, attack, competitions, destructiveness.

b) everyone has the ability to think. With the exception of those who had severe brain damage all have the ability to think, reason and evaluate what we live, to make choices with respect to our existence .

This principle reminds us of our ability and our power to assess and deal with reality. We are our choices. No matter how strong the calls and the pressures of others, no matter how tragic the circumstances of life, we always choose us to assume the position in relation to them, even if only to react to events or less traumatic for us. It 'a principle that calls then to take responsibility for their choices (and their consequences) rather than become passive and helpless victims, instead of projecting responsibility for his suffering on the past or outside. It 's also a principle that invites us to leverage our power to help us achieve our goals rather than sabotage.

c) each decide their own destiny and these decisions, if they bring negative results can be modified .

As children, we have developed strategies to survive in a world more big for us and get what we wanted (love and attention). These strategies were based on the assessment we made of people and situations, experienced and observed, and the conclusion I have drawn. We began immediately to make decisions about what was right and wrong, useful / not useful to be or do. On these decisions (regarding ourselves, others, life ..) We have based our existence. As adults we still use those strategies. Some are useful and functional for our needs. Others will take us only negative results, because they are outdated, no longer necessary, not appropriate for the current situation.
In therapy we can go to rediscover those old decisions and change. We can make new decisions in relation to us, to others and to life, we can learn to use different strategies, new resources (as an adult) and finally get the satisfaction of our needs.


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