Friday, May 30, 2008

Happy Birthday Not My Boss

My conception of man

Everyone is ok. The person, as such, is worthy of respect and acceptance
Every human being has value and is worthy of respect as such, in its essence, regardless of of race, religion, age, sexual preference, etc. achievements in life. We can not accept other's behavior but it is always important to respect the human being.

Everyone has the ability to think

With the exception of those who had severe brain damage all have the ability to think, to reason, to evaluate what we live, to do choices. No matter how strong the calls and the pressures of others, no matter how tragic the circumstances of life, we always choose us to assume the position in relation to them. We have the capacity and power to face reality, we have the responsibility of our existence.

Each determines its own destiny and these decisions, if they bring negative results can be modified
We started from an early age to make decisions about what was right or wrong, useful or not useful to do or be, to be loved and satisfied. On these decisions (regarding ourselves, others, life ..) we have structured our entire existence. Many of these decisions lead us negative and painful. Every decision made can be changed with a new decision that allows us to be satisfied.
natural tendency to self
Every person has a strong incentive to adapt, improve, be realized. Every man by nature tends to be open to experiences, to be responsible, creative and constructive. It is not the instinctual drives to motivate the man, but rather the need to learn, to experiment, relationships and self-rewarding.

Man is "to be" potential and flexibility. The idea of \u200b\u200bhuman nature, understood as a static set of characters and given constituent is a narrow view and devaluing it. Man is not something "given", rather, what distinguishes it from things (mere presence) is the very fact of dealing with the possibility of being. He constantly exceeds the reality in the direction of the possibility transcends itself into a project that draws a world of possible meanings.

The man is always included in the complexity and the totality of the subject / object, mind / body, individual / society, the objective reality / transcendence.


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