Thursday, May 22, 2008

Pokemon Deluge Super Attack Guide

model of ego states

The model of ego states

Ego States are ways of being in the world. More concrete are uniform and consistent set of thoughts, emotions and behaviors. The personality is characterized by three ego states:

They say you're in the Parent ego-state (G) when you think, feel and behave in a way that you "copied" from your real parents or persons that have been meaningful for you. There are many ways of being in the ego-state G, as many as were the figures parenting and their facets.

They say you're in the Adult ego-state (A) when you think, feel and behave in a way that directly respond to the situation of the here and now ", that is what is happening around you at the present time, using all the resources of an adult in a manner appropriate to the situation.

They say you're in the Child ego state (B) when you think, feel and behave as you did when you were a child.

The tripartite model of personality

A healthy personality needs all 3 ego states.

Need A State of the ego to solve the problems of the here and now, it allows you to face life in an effective and competent. To adapt well to the company you need the rules you've learned and stored in the ego state G. Finally you need access, either by the ego-state B, the spontaneity, creativity and intuition own childhood.

During the day we move continually from one ego state to another. An example (taken from Stewart - Joines, L 'transactional analysis. Guide to the psychology of human relationships)

The experience of Jane

Jane driving along a busy road. According to the second controls the speed and position of other vehicles, keep the traffic signs, control your pace (ego state A). A motorist cuts them
suddenly the road. Jane fears the conflict (emotion of fear appropriate to the situation), casts a quick look in the mirror, sees the open road, braking to avoid collision (appropriate behavior). Jane is in her Adult ego-state. While the other car

Jane walks away shaking his head, grimaces of disapproval with his mouth, he says "To some people should take away his license." Jane has moved in his Parent ego state: she was a little often sat next to his father who was driving and saw him several times to express disapproval of the mistakes of drivers shaking his head and grimacing mouth.

Jane arrives outside the office, looks at his watch and sees that because of the traffic is late for the meeting with his boss. Do you feel panicked. Jane moved into the Child ego state: came into contact with old memories of her childhood and coming late to school was scolded by the teacher. His emotional reaction of panic is related to experience of the child, not something that could happen in the situation of an adult. Jane is not aware on a conscious level to revive an archaic situation. If you ask "reminds me of something from my childhood?" Might bring to mind the memory or maybe it could be buried deep, as painful so as not to remember it immediately and without psychological help. Jane exhibits the behavior of the time: her heart beat faster, opens his eyes, puts his hand to his mouth, he begins to sweat.

A moment later he says: "Wait a minute! What do I fear? My boss is a reasonable woman. Will understand why I'm late. We can recover the time lost by shortening the coffee break. "
Jane back in the state of the ego A. It relaxes, smiles, removes his hand from his mouth.
His laugh is adult, not the nervous laughter of the frightened child.


Think back to the last 24 hours.

a. Think of times and occasions when you have been in the Parent ego state. What emotions did you feel? What you said to yourself (thoughts) to feel that way? What behaviors you have done? Thinking back to your past, you can connect this set of thoughts / emotions and behaviors in some significant person?

b. Think of times and occasions when you have been in the Adult ego-state. To differentiate it from other Member State to ask the ego: "this thought / emotion / behavior was appropriate to the situation? He was a adult way of dealing with what was happening around me? What emotions did you feel? What you said to yourself to feel this way? What behaviors you have done?

c. Think of times and occasions when you have been in the Child ego state. What emotions did you feel? What you said to yourself to feel this way? What behaviors you have done? Thinking back to your childhood you can recover the memories of the experiences that message today?

now from an intuitive appreciation and overall time and energy it uses for each of the ego and draw your Egogramma (each histogram bar represents the uses the frequency with which each ego-state):

Psychic energy is constant . If you invest more energy in the ego "flawed", while depower those that use too much.

hypothetically balanced
A curve is represented graphically by the Gaussian curve. In this curve prevails Adult ego-state that is mature awareness of their own resources, the present situation and the activation of strategies appropriate to the circumstances of the moment. A healthy personality and is free to use the integrated ego state he considers most suitable to the situation and above all it does it in a conscious, spontaneous, adequate.


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