Saturday, May 24, 2008

Bionicle Vezon Und Kardas

Homophobia and psychological consequences

A person is defined as homosexual experiences feelings of falling in love, desire and erotic attraction to persons of the same sex. Although there are different theories of type both biological and psychological, at present there is still no scientific study or a case officer who can, with absolute certainty, explain why a person becomes a homosexual because another and become heterosexual .

Homosexuality is not a disease
The only thing you know that homosexuality is not a disease but merely a normal variant of human sexuality. The word homosexuality has been removed permanently from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders , manual where psychologists and psychiatrists are the guidelines by which to determine the presence or absence of a mental disorder since 1973. The document American Psychiatric Association (APA), which sanctioned this change, stated: " Homosexuality in itself does not imply a deterioration in the trial, adaptation, value or general social skills and motivation of an individual . "For a long time, therefore, it is unjustified to consider homosexuality as an illness. The idea that we are all heterosexual, that is normal and healthy to choose a partner of the opposite sex (heterosexism) and that in nature there are no homosexual behavior ("Homosexuality
is against nature") is a false belief . In fact, even in the animal (hamsters, guinea pigs, mice, rabbits, porcupines, goats, horses, pigs, lions, sheep, monkeys, and chimpanzees) are homosexual behavior.

Homophobia and Heterosexism
However ordinary people still have this prejudice and gay men continue to be victims of a society dominated by homophobic and heterosexist. The term homophobia literally means fear of same-sex "shows the intolerance and negative feelings that people have against homosexuals . can occur in very different ways: from the courts, to verbal abuse, up to real threats or physical assault. Homophobia comes from the false belief that we are all heterosexual, and that is normal and healthy to choose a partner of the opposite sex .
The company is often distrustful of diversity, to the point of dangerous goods. This lack of trust involved, throughout history, all the minority carriers of new values \u200b\u200bor different because they are considered threats to conventional values. Prejudice is reinforced by ignorance and lack of contact with diversity (homophobic individuals, for example, often do not know the reality of gay and have an abstract based on hearsay). Finally, we all tend to act in a manner consistent with what is considered desirable and appropriate in accordance with the prevailing social conventions. This mechanism, for example, is the basis of the fact that it is customary to deride homosexuals because it is customary to do so. The negative beliefs toward homosexuality is so widespread in our society that homosexuals themselves tend to be homophobic (internalized homophobia) .

internalized homophobia
internalized homophobia indicates the set of feelings (anger, anxiety, guilt, etc..) And negative attitudes toward homosexual features in oneself and others. Its development is considered, however, a normal process in the life of homosexuals because it is an inevitable consequence of the fact that all children are exposed to heterosexist norms and experienced in the course of its growth, negative attitudes and emotions toward their homosexuality.

growth difficult
Hostility towards homosexuality (homophobia
) is so widespread in our society that most young gay people had for parents homophobic and, during his childhood and adolescence, he attended teachers, classmates, family friends, etc.., homophobic. During the exploration of identity, then, is already aware of the lack of approval of homosexual behavior by the company and has already learned from the cultural context, it is worth trying homoerotic feelings of shame. E 'during adolescence is often inevitable that gay people see themselves as different and inadequate and that many of them to choose the social withdrawal and isolation . At first, the teenager can not explain to himself the their diversity, it is only with the passage of time becomes aware of feelings of love and feeling attraction towards persons of the same sex. This awareness, as living in a homophobic context, may seriously impair the conduct of social life: some people prefer to isolate themselves and live their homosexuality in privacy, others are hiding behind a conventional lifestyle, increasing the gap between "identity public "and" private identity-homosexual. " During adolescence, all homosexuals, or near, they fear that others are aware of their sexual orientation and develop, therefore, greater attention against the social context, they become more sensitive to insults of their peers. The development of a network of friends is very slow, mainly because of fear of being rejected. The fear of rejection makes many young gay people often become dependent on a small network of people to whom they have revealed their sexual orientation. Thus, during adolescence, they are talking about himself and his problems with a few people and at the same time, hide their sexuality to all others (including parents and siblings). This situation heightens the perception of their diversity. Finally, the difficulty of speaking with other self- helping young people uncritical internalization of homophobic and heterosexist assumptions of society, which are due to the isolation itself.

psychological disorders in homosexuality
The document American Psychiatric Association (APA) states, "Homosexuality in itself does not imply a deterioration in the trial, adaptation, value or general social skills or motivational an individual. "
Scientific research on the subject is that homosexuals have a high prevalence of psychiatric disorders, including depression, panic attacks
, generalized anxiety, suicide attempts. Some scholars believe the stigma, prejudice and discrimination create a social environment so stressful that support the development of psychological problems. More specifically, the process of stress depends on several factors linked to them, the events where you're a victim of prejudice (discrimination and violence), the expectation of rejection by the other, hiding the coping strategies, lack of social support, and finally internalized homophobia. This hypothesis now appears to be the most appropriate theory to explain the high prevalence of psychiatric disorders in homosexuals.
E 'injury and discrimination that greatly affect individual development and behavior. It 's because of the refusal that the homosexual person, from his youth, he experiences feelings of diversity
and emotional pain that the push towards social isolation and its failure to come out (coming out ) and express themselves and grow like everyone else.
In the following excerpt, Thomas Couser (1996) describes what it means to be a victim of discrimination and verbal violence and explains how he felt when he saw his car covered with offensive written about his homosexuality: " The possibility that could be observed made me paranoid. Is this what it means to be gay ... be constantly annoyed by people completely unrelated. In the span of these brief moments, I began to think that it takes a good dose of courage to be openly gay ... I felt as vulnerable! For several days I felt shock and fear, fear that the incident could be repeated or that violence could increase. I felt violated and I was angry my inability to react. I felt like I had been labeled forever ... the stereotypes of gender and homophobia belittle and make us all inhuman "(Couser T., 1996, p.56).


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