Wednesday, May 7, 2008

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GC Jacob - Personality and Child Welfare Neurosis

Jacob Julius Caesar, Master of Philosophy in Italy and his Ph.D. in psychology in the U.S., teaches Fundamentals of Eastern disciplines of psychology at the University of Genoa.

In this kind of manual of evolutionary psychology, the tone conversational, humorous and ironic, GC Jacob ago careful analysis of the development of three personality (The Child, Adult, Parent) that characterize the individual and the consequences of not carrying out such development.
The theory of three persons of Jacob recalls the terminology of Eric Berne and his theory of ego states, but in reality it is an elaboration of the entire staff.
Decades of clinical practice the author has led him to identify the child's personality chronic the genesis of neurosis and more popular. In today's society, rich and industrialized, children no longer have to struggle for survival, on the contrary are overprotected and hampered in their growth and independence. Fears, phobias, panic, anxiety, depression are all manifestations of a child's personality is not developed, always looking for love, security, cuddles.
Jacob's essay gives the reader guidance on how recover its advantage in a harmonious balance of the three personality that nature provides us, "Life ... is a symphony with many tones and many records, now tragic , now comic, now serious, now playful. The mentally healthy person, psychologically evolved, knows how to live life in all its tones, in all their records, knowing now be a child, now adult parent hours.
latter part of the book, Jacob extends his theory by introducing a fourth personality: consciousness, or Buddha, state of awareness of their emotions, their thoughts, their actions, ability to self-observation, it not only ends the cycle structure of our personalities natural but also the one that saves us from neurosis and therefore suffering. Its great strength lies in the power of directing our lives consciously and intentionally.

In search of pampering lost.
A revolutionary psychology for singles and couples.
Giulio Cesare Giacobbe.
Price € 6.20.
Ponte alle Grazie. Year: 2004


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