Friday, May 30, 2008

People With Solid Tattooed Arm

My idea of \u200b\u200ba therapeutic relationship

If you are a customer and I am your therapist:

Method contractual

We take joint responsibility to achieve a common goal: your well-being and your autonomy. Both participate in the process of change. We both tasks. That's why we enter into a contract: an assumption of responsibility on the part of both.
Value equal

The term "customer" instead of the "patient" emphasizes the concept of equal value and responsibility. There is no 'then a person "impotent and lower" than in a totally passive to an expert relies "powerful / superior." There are two people (therapist and client) that are of equal value along a path of growth.

Open communication

During our work together you have all the necessary information on the processes at work. I will use non-technical language so that you can understand exactly what we're doing. I will teach you the concepts and tools of Transactional so that you can use them.

Authenticity and unconditional positive regard, empathy

As a therapist I do not hide behind a professional facade, will express thoughts and feelings in an informal and frank , providing a model of what can be putting you in touch with your feelings, expressing them, and are responsible. My position towards you will be based on a profound respect for what you are, for your commitment in an effort to grow and improve, even when not approve your behavior. I will hear you, moment by moment, to understand the feelings from your personal point of view of phenomenology, is that of which you are well aware, from both perspectives that you may still be only dimly aware.

E 'need to focus not on events experienced, but on how they experienced (on personal meanings), because the phenomenological world of every person is the primary determinant of its behavior and that is what makes it unique. As a therapist I have the task of facilitating the growth process of restoring your self-awareness of thoughts, emotions, needs, actions, capabilities and responsibilities.

If you are my client will be responsible for your change, which can be implemented not only when you are in therapy but also outside it, in case of problems in the future. As a therapist I try to manipulate events on your own, rather than have to create conditions that facilitate autonomous decision making on your part. Though acting on your behalf, the process of growth and self-it would only be hindered. Any short-term relief tied to outside intervention, would interfere with the growth long-term, as you would keep in a devalued role and image, dependent and passive. Reclaiming a sense of responsibility, awareness of your resources, testing the effectiveness of your progress will be the building blocks with which you can build autonomy and well-being.


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