Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Brazilian Waxing New Orleans

Internet addiction

Social communication today is facilitated by the Internet, a tool that allows you to cross the barriers of time and space. The people of "surfers" has grown enormously and now includes all ages. Through the internet you can play, we inform you study, notice, sells, buys, one works, one experiences in virtual reality. But all this facility has not been free from misuses and abuse so that, in recent years (1995, Goldberg), has begun to highlight a new form of dependency in the mental health field, called Internet addiction, Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD).

Those at risk are aged between 15 and 40 years, have a good knowledge of computer science, are often isolated for the purpose of work (eg night shift work) or wide area and usually have psychological problems, psychiatric or family background to the Net-dependence (between these problems stand loneliness, dissatisfaction in marriage, work-related stress, depression, financial problems, insecurity due to the physical, anxiety, struggle to quit other addictions, limited social life, etc ...)

Symptoms Common symptoms: anxiety, insomnia, depression, abnormal sleep patterns, distortion of time, altered perception of oneself, personality disorders, impaired relationships and contact with reality, affective and work, loss of ability to limit time spent on the Net, to the detriment of any other commitment.

The 3 stages on the way to the most stable form of addiction from the Web

1. Initial phase : warning obsessive themes and instruments relating to the use of the network that generates repeated behaviors such as checking e-mail in the same day, research programs and frequent communication tools specific, prolonged chat.

2. Phase tossicofila : increased time spent on-line (often during working hours and at night), with a growing sense of malaise, agitation, lack or low level of activity when it is disconnected (a condition compared to abstinence).

3. Addiction : network-dependent wide-ranging affects the functioning of the person in different areas of life (work, social, emotional, educational). We distinguish between:

The Net, by virtue of its enormous resources (eg. Undo the problems of distance or time, offer the possibility of changing identity and personality through the testing of virtual reality, suspend the consequences and responsibilities of their actions) may induce feelings of omnipotence deleterious .
The constant feature that forms the backdrop to every Internet addiction is the network's ability to respond (or respond to deceive) in many human needs (communication, membership, knowledge, testing of parts of themselves otherwise unacceptable suspension of responsibility ..), allowing you to experience intense feelings and emotions, feeling, at the same time, protected.
For the young age of development and some predisposed individuals, the abuse of the network can create confusion in the distinction between real and virtual, what is part of the real self and what you can experience only virtually . And the abuse of interaction and experimentation in the virtual self can then be accompanied by a deficit or deformation of the normal development of emotional and social skills.

The prevention remains a useful tool for everyone, with special attention some rules in using the Internet by those already involved in psychological distress:
- to limit the amount of time spent online each day (not more than one or two hours), preferably not by establishing a daily habit that must be respected at all costs
- integrating online activities with such real assets (eg shopping, leisure or social relations), as this does not turn the network into a privileged instrument to relax, escape and contact us if
themselves - the real socialization should never be totally replaced by virtual
- if you feel a compulsive and uncontrollable need to connect to the Internet, you seek expert help.

· AA.VV., 1998, the virtual reality, Laterza, Bari
· Cantelmi T. et al., 2000, The Internet in mind. Psychopathology of the conduct on-line, Padova, Piccin.
· Oliviero A. Ferraris, G. Malavasi, 2001, The Mask of desires. In Contemporary Psychology, 166, 30-37.
· Praveen G., A. Beria, Guberti S., 2004, Internet: needs, fears and opportunities. In Contemporary Psychology, 182, 58-64.
· Praveen G., 2002, Web psychology Guerini, Milan.


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