Friday, May 30, 2008

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My idea of \u200b\u200ba therapeutic relationship

If you are a customer and I am your therapist:

Method contractual

We take joint responsibility to achieve a common goal: your well-being and your autonomy. Both participate in the process of change. We both tasks. That's why we enter into a contract: an assumption of responsibility on the part of both.
Value equal

The term "customer" instead of the "patient" emphasizes the concept of equal value and responsibility. There is no 'then a person "impotent and lower" than in a totally passive to an expert relies "powerful / superior." There are two people (therapist and client) that are of equal value along a path of growth.

Open communication

During our work together you have all the necessary information on the processes at work. I will use non-technical language so that you can understand exactly what we're doing. I will teach you the concepts and tools of Transactional so that you can use them.

Authenticity and unconditional positive regard, empathy

As a therapist I do not hide behind a professional facade, will express thoughts and feelings in an informal and frank , providing a model of what can be putting you in touch with your feelings, expressing them, and are responsible. My position towards you will be based on a profound respect for what you are, for your commitment in an effort to grow and improve, even when not approve your behavior. I will hear you, moment by moment, to understand the feelings from your personal point of view of phenomenology, is that of which you are well aware, from both perspectives that you may still be only dimly aware.

E 'need to focus not on events experienced, but on how they experienced (on personal meanings), because the phenomenological world of every person is the primary determinant of its behavior and that is what makes it unique. As a therapist I have the task of facilitating the growth process of restoring your self-awareness of thoughts, emotions, needs, actions, capabilities and responsibilities.

If you are my client will be responsible for your change, which can be implemented not only when you are in therapy but also outside it, in case of problems in the future. As a therapist I try to manipulate events on your own, rather than have to create conditions that facilitate autonomous decision making on your part. Though acting on your behalf, the process of growth and self-it would only be hindered. Any short-term relief tied to outside intervention, would interfere with the growth long-term, as you would keep in a devalued role and image, dependent and passive. Reclaiming a sense of responsibility, awareness of your resources, testing the effectiveness of your progress will be the building blocks with which you can build autonomy and well-being.

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My conception of man

Everyone is ok. The person, as such, is worthy of respect and acceptance
Every human being has value and is worthy of respect as such, in its essence, regardless of of race, religion, age, sexual preference, etc. achievements in life. We can not accept other's behavior but it is always important to respect the human being.

Everyone has the ability to think

With the exception of those who had severe brain damage all have the ability to think, to reason, to evaluate what we live, to do choices. No matter how strong the calls and the pressures of others, no matter how tragic the circumstances of life, we always choose us to assume the position in relation to them. We have the capacity and power to face reality, we have the responsibility of our existence.

Each determines its own destiny and these decisions, if they bring negative results can be modified
We started from an early age to make decisions about what was right or wrong, useful or not useful to do or be, to be loved and satisfied. On these decisions (regarding ourselves, others, life ..) we have structured our entire existence. Many of these decisions lead us negative and painful. Every decision made can be changed with a new decision that allows us to be satisfied.
natural tendency to self
Every person has a strong incentive to adapt, improve, be realized. Every man by nature tends to be open to experiences, to be responsible, creative and constructive. It is not the instinctual drives to motivate the man, but rather the need to learn, to experiment, relationships and self-rewarding.

Man is "to be" potential and flexibility. The idea of \u200b\u200bhuman nature, understood as a static set of characters and given constituent is a narrow view and devaluing it. Man is not something "given", rather, what distinguishes it from things (mere presence) is the very fact of dealing with the possibility of being. He constantly exceeds the reality in the direction of the possibility transcends itself into a project that draws a world of possible meanings.

The man is always included in the complexity and the totality of the subject / object, mind / body, individual / society, the objective reality / transcendence.

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My conception of My idea of \u200b\u200bdisease

Learning Strategies for Survival

Mental illness in its various forms can be viewed as a distortion of the effort that the individual made towards implementing their potential. Throughout our history, primarily in childhood, we have developed a number of strategies to survive in the world and get the satisfaction of our most important needs. When these strategies, instead of being constantly updated and adapted to new situations and our increasing ability of adults, are applied in a rigid and anachronistic here that the natural tendency to self-jamming.


If there is correspondence between attributes that the subject believes that they have and those who actually owns, he does not develop in a unified, independent and satisfactory (this can occur, for example in cases where problems have arisen in the course of personality development during childhood, when the child needs to be considered positively and accepted without conditions). The person loses touch with oneself, with their moods and their own resources, with their current experiences, lives an inner conflict that hangs in the freedom to grow or to make positive choices for optimal performance. When a person worries excessively assessments, needs and preferences of others, its existence is no longer driven by the innate tendency to self.

Integrity Psycho-Somatic

makes no sense to talk about organic care as opposed to those psychic. The diseases are not just physical or just psychological. All can be studied and addressed both from a biological point of view than from a psychological point of view, with varying results, which may be more or less useful depending on the circumstances. The therapist, physician or psychologist may be, is to assess the situation from different perspectives, emphasizing one or the other in different times and the patient's needs, integrating them instead when needed. No point of view includes all points of view, none is superior to 'other. Sometimes it may be that intervention, at that moment, the other is more appropriate and urgent. To address human problems need the help of various disciplines and the development of integrated treatments that take account not only the biological aspects but also the psychological, relational, social, environmental.

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Healthy people have moved innate drive for self-realization and transformation . They know how to realize their potential adult updating in a flexible and creative strategies used to cope with life. avoiding on or continue in compulsively strategies in anachronistic, self-destructive and dysfunctional.

are autonomous (not employees), capable of making autonomous choices are able to behave in an appropriate and effective are aware (of themselves, emotions, thoughts, behaviors, the situation of the moment, others), are spontaneous (able to be themselves and act in a direct way), do not respond passively to the influence of 'environment or their own inner drives, are capable to conduct targeted and know be committed, by their nature are loving and respectful to others and establish relationships of intimacy know (share genuine emotions).

Health can not be identified with the mere absence of pain or the simple adaptation to the environment. The process of growth and self-feeds creative commitment of the person in carrying out his project existential , demands a lifestyle where we are reduced to simple gear system, but one moves from search for the meaning of their and experiences of their lives.

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Medium and long-term

The therapeutic relationship is a partnership aimed at achieving common goals. The ultimate goal of the course that I make with my clients is the recovery of welfare and autonomy. This is accomplished through some intermediate steps :

▪ Exploring the Meaning of the deep malaise
▪ Personal Identifying mechanisms that keep
▪ Take Awareness Authentic Needs
▪ Develop healthy and realistic goals
▪ Power Tools and personal resources to make new decisions

▪ ▪ concrete action Change

Monday, May 26, 2008

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When it comes to psychological disorder? How to deal with it?


According to the international conventions the inconvenience caused by this issue, to be called psychological disorder, must interfere significantly with the psychosocial functioning of the person. In other words there must be difficulties and impairment in activities of daily living, work or school, or in interpersonal relationships and family . All accompanied by emotional distress.
course, individual expression of a mental disorder can be very variable in intensity, duration, and degree of pain interference with psychosocial functioning.


The main categories of psychological disorders are:
Anxiety disorders (panic attacks, phobias, obsessive compulsive disorder ...)
control disorders pulse (kleptomania, pyromania, trichotillomania ...)
Sleep disorders (insomnia, narcolepsy, bruxism, sleepwalking ...)
disorders (anorexia, bulimia)
mood disorders (depression, manic depression ...)
personality disorders' (paranoid, borderline, narcissistic ...)
disorders in childhood (mental retardation, autism, stuttering, dyslexia, enuresis, tic ...)
Psychotic disorders (schizophrenia, delusional disorder)
sexual disorders (impotence, frigidity, 'premature ejaculation, perversions ...)
somatoform disorders (hypochondriasis, somatization, conversion ...)
Addiction and drugs (stimulants, opiates, cannabinoids, alcohol ...)
New addictions (gambling, shopping and the Internet.)


The conditions of suffering and disease are revealing psychosomatic integrity, which requires to be understood, a complex and multidisciplinary vision to which the traditional science, with its specialized industry and often unwilling to cooperate, does not seem to be more prepared. Even today, at the dawn of the twenty-first century, many scholars persist in the idea of \u200b\u200ba separation between mind and body, physical health and mental health. From this it follows a sectoral approach to therapy only and reductive (only biological or psychological only).

makes no sense to talk about organic care as opposed to psychological ones. diseases are not just physical or just psychological. All can be studied and addressed both from a biological point of view than from a psychological point of view, with different risultai, which may be more or less useful depending on the circumstances .
task of the therapist, physician or psychologist may be, is to assess the situation from different perspectives, emphasizing one or the other depending on different times and needs of the patient. No point of view includes all points of view, none is superior to 'other. Sometimes it may be that intervention, at that moment, the other is more appropriate and urgent.

to address human problems need the help of various disciplines and the development of integrated treatments that take account not only the biological aspects but also the psychological, relational, social, environmental.

Remove a symptom (eg. Anxiety) by a drug (physical care), making a great relief to the person who suffers, but if this treatment is not accompanied by a psychological journey to understanding the causes and strategies that have created and nurtured (personal lifestyle, social, emotional, occupational, etc.) and to effect real change, the relief obtained will prove only temporary and often superficial and there will be an Appeal of the same symptoms recur or other symptoms. Conversely, a work of psychological type, centered on understanding the causes and activation of specific changes, it is often impossible when the person is completely debilitated by the physical symptoms (eg. An anorexic girl who risks his life to malnutrition) and requires first and foremost health care

The knowledge gained and research in the field have amply demonstrated the efficacy of collaboration and synergy between biological and psychological treatments . The separation between bodily and psychological aspects of an idea is erroneous, which creates discomfort and confusion for patients and which do not guarantee them a full and lasting improvement.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

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Homophobia and psychological consequences

A person is defined as homosexual experiences feelings of falling in love, desire and erotic attraction to persons of the same sex. Although there are different theories of type both biological and psychological, at present there is still no scientific study or a case officer who can, with absolute certainty, explain why a person becomes a homosexual because another and become heterosexual .

Homosexuality is not a disease
The only thing you know that homosexuality is not a disease but merely a normal variant of human sexuality. The word homosexuality has been removed permanently from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders , manual where psychologists and psychiatrists are the guidelines by which to determine the presence or absence of a mental disorder since 1973. The document American Psychiatric Association (APA), which sanctioned this change, stated: " Homosexuality in itself does not imply a deterioration in the trial, adaptation, value or general social skills and motivation of an individual . "For a long time, therefore, it is unjustified to consider homosexuality as an illness. The idea that we are all heterosexual, that is normal and healthy to choose a partner of the opposite sex (heterosexism) and that in nature there are no homosexual behavior ("Homosexuality
is against nature") is a false belief . In fact, even in the animal (hamsters, guinea pigs, mice, rabbits, porcupines, goats, horses, pigs, lions, sheep, monkeys, and chimpanzees) are homosexual behavior.

Homophobia and Heterosexism
However ordinary people still have this prejudice and gay men continue to be victims of a society dominated by homophobic and heterosexist. The term homophobia literally means fear of same-sex "shows the intolerance and negative feelings that people have against homosexuals . can occur in very different ways: from the courts, to verbal abuse, up to real threats or physical assault. Homophobia comes from the false belief that we are all heterosexual, and that is normal and healthy to choose a partner of the opposite sex .
The company is often distrustful of diversity, to the point of dangerous goods. This lack of trust involved, throughout history, all the minority carriers of new values \u200b\u200bor different because they are considered threats to conventional values. Prejudice is reinforced by ignorance and lack of contact with diversity (homophobic individuals, for example, often do not know the reality of gay and have an abstract based on hearsay). Finally, we all tend to act in a manner consistent with what is considered desirable and appropriate in accordance with the prevailing social conventions. This mechanism, for example, is the basis of the fact that it is customary to deride homosexuals because it is customary to do so. The negative beliefs toward homosexuality is so widespread in our society that homosexuals themselves tend to be homophobic (internalized homophobia) .

internalized homophobia
internalized homophobia indicates the set of feelings (anger, anxiety, guilt, etc..) And negative attitudes toward homosexual features in oneself and others. Its development is considered, however, a normal process in the life of homosexuals because it is an inevitable consequence of the fact that all children are exposed to heterosexist norms and experienced in the course of its growth, negative attitudes and emotions toward their homosexuality.

growth difficult
Hostility towards homosexuality (homophobia
) is so widespread in our society that most young gay people had for parents homophobic and, during his childhood and adolescence, he attended teachers, classmates, family friends, etc.., homophobic. During the exploration of identity, then, is already aware of the lack of approval of homosexual behavior by the company and has already learned from the cultural context, it is worth trying homoerotic feelings of shame. E 'during adolescence is often inevitable that gay people see themselves as different and inadequate and that many of them to choose the social withdrawal and isolation . At first, the teenager can not explain to himself the their diversity, it is only with the passage of time becomes aware of feelings of love and feeling attraction towards persons of the same sex. This awareness, as living in a homophobic context, may seriously impair the conduct of social life: some people prefer to isolate themselves and live their homosexuality in privacy, others are hiding behind a conventional lifestyle, increasing the gap between "identity public "and" private identity-homosexual. " During adolescence, all homosexuals, or near, they fear that others are aware of their sexual orientation and develop, therefore, greater attention against the social context, they become more sensitive to insults of their peers. The development of a network of friends is very slow, mainly because of fear of being rejected. The fear of rejection makes many young gay people often become dependent on a small network of people to whom they have revealed their sexual orientation. Thus, during adolescence, they are talking about himself and his problems with a few people and at the same time, hide their sexuality to all others (including parents and siblings). This situation heightens the perception of their diversity. Finally, the difficulty of speaking with other self- helping young people uncritical internalization of homophobic and heterosexist assumptions of society, which are due to the isolation itself.

psychological disorders in homosexuality
The document American Psychiatric Association (APA) states, "Homosexuality in itself does not imply a deterioration in the trial, adaptation, value or general social skills or motivational an individual. "
Scientific research on the subject is that homosexuals have a high prevalence of psychiatric disorders, including depression, panic attacks
, generalized anxiety, suicide attempts. Some scholars believe the stigma, prejudice and discrimination create a social environment so stressful that support the development of psychological problems. More specifically, the process of stress depends on several factors linked to them, the events where you're a victim of prejudice (discrimination and violence), the expectation of rejection by the other, hiding the coping strategies, lack of social support, and finally internalized homophobia. This hypothesis now appears to be the most appropriate theory to explain the high prevalence of psychiatric disorders in homosexuals.
E 'injury and discrimination that greatly affect individual development and behavior. It 's because of the refusal that the homosexual person, from his youth, he experiences feelings of diversity
and emotional pain that the push towards social isolation and its failure to come out (coming out ) and express themselves and grow like everyone else.
In the following excerpt, Thomas Couser (1996) describes what it means to be a victim of discrimination and verbal violence and explains how he felt when he saw his car covered with offensive written about his homosexuality: " The possibility that could be observed made me paranoid. Is this what it means to be gay ... be constantly annoyed by people completely unrelated. In the span of these brief moments, I began to think that it takes a good dose of courage to be openly gay ... I felt as vulnerable! For several days I felt shock and fear, fear that the incident could be repeated or that violence could increase. I felt violated and I was angry my inability to react. I felt like I had been labeled forever ... the stereotypes of gender and homophobia belittle and make us all inhuman "(Couser T., 1996, p.56).

Thursday, May 22, 2008

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model of ego states

The model of ego states

Ego States are ways of being in the world. More concrete are uniform and consistent set of thoughts, emotions and behaviors. The personality is characterized by three ego states:

They say you're in the Parent ego-state (G) when you think, feel and behave in a way that you "copied" from your real parents or persons that have been meaningful for you. There are many ways of being in the ego-state G, as many as were the figures parenting and their facets.

They say you're in the Adult ego-state (A) when you think, feel and behave in a way that directly respond to the situation of the here and now ", that is what is happening around you at the present time, using all the resources of an adult in a manner appropriate to the situation.

They say you're in the Child ego state (B) when you think, feel and behave as you did when you were a child.

The tripartite model of personality

A healthy personality needs all 3 ego states.

Need A State of the ego to solve the problems of the here and now, it allows you to face life in an effective and competent. To adapt well to the company you need the rules you've learned and stored in the ego state G. Finally you need access, either by the ego-state B, the spontaneity, creativity and intuition own childhood.

During the day we move continually from one ego state to another. An example (taken from Stewart - Joines, L 'transactional analysis. Guide to the psychology of human relationships)

The experience of Jane

Jane driving along a busy road. According to the second controls the speed and position of other vehicles, keep the traffic signs, control your pace (ego state A). A motorist cuts them
suddenly the road. Jane fears the conflict (emotion of fear appropriate to the situation), casts a quick look in the mirror, sees the open road, braking to avoid collision (appropriate behavior). Jane is in her Adult ego-state. While the other car

Jane walks away shaking his head, grimaces of disapproval with his mouth, he says "To some people should take away his license." Jane has moved in his Parent ego state: she was a little often sat next to his father who was driving and saw him several times to express disapproval of the mistakes of drivers shaking his head and grimacing mouth.

Jane arrives outside the office, looks at his watch and sees that because of the traffic is late for the meeting with his boss. Do you feel panicked. Jane moved into the Child ego state: came into contact with old memories of her childhood and coming late to school was scolded by the teacher. His emotional reaction of panic is related to experience of the child, not something that could happen in the situation of an adult. Jane is not aware on a conscious level to revive an archaic situation. If you ask "reminds me of something from my childhood?" Might bring to mind the memory or maybe it could be buried deep, as painful so as not to remember it immediately and without psychological help. Jane exhibits the behavior of the time: her heart beat faster, opens his eyes, puts his hand to his mouth, he begins to sweat.

A moment later he says: "Wait a minute! What do I fear? My boss is a reasonable woman. Will understand why I'm late. We can recover the time lost by shortening the coffee break. "
Jane back in the state of the ego A. It relaxes, smiles, removes his hand from his mouth.
His laugh is adult, not the nervous laughter of the frightened child.


Think back to the last 24 hours.

a. Think of times and occasions when you have been in the Parent ego state. What emotions did you feel? What you said to yourself (thoughts) to feel that way? What behaviors you have done? Thinking back to your past, you can connect this set of thoughts / emotions and behaviors in some significant person?

b. Think of times and occasions when you have been in the Adult ego-state. To differentiate it from other Member State to ask the ego: "this thought / emotion / behavior was appropriate to the situation? He was a adult way of dealing with what was happening around me? What emotions did you feel? What you said to yourself to feel this way? What behaviors you have done?

c. Think of times and occasions when you have been in the Child ego state. What emotions did you feel? What you said to yourself to feel this way? What behaviors you have done? Thinking back to your childhood you can recover the memories of the experiences that message today?

now from an intuitive appreciation and overall time and energy it uses for each of the ego and draw your Egogramma (each histogram bar represents the uses the frequency with which each ego-state):

Psychic energy is constant . If you invest more energy in the ego "flawed", while depower those that use too much.

hypothetically balanced
A curve is represented graphically by the Gaussian curve. In this curve prevails Adult ego-state that is mature awareness of their own resources, the present situation and the activation of strategies appropriate to the circumstances of the moment. A healthy personality and is free to use the integrated ego state he considers most suitable to the situation and above all it does it in a conscious, spontaneous, adequate.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

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Principles in practice AT

a) contractual arrangements

If you are a patient and I'm an analyst transactional means that we assume joint responsibility achieve a common goal: your health and your independence. It means that we relate on a level playing field (I can not "do things to you, or you can expect me to do everything for you) both participate in the process of change, we both tasks. That's why we enter into a contract: an assumption of responsibility on the part of both. As a patient you claim to want to change and be willing to commit to achieving the objective. I, as analyst, in return for my return, I declare myself ready to make best use of my knowledge and skills for this purpose.


If you are a patient and I'm an analyst transactional our relationship is a relationship on equal terms. During our work together you have all the necessary information on the processes at work. I will use clear language, not technical so you can understand exactly what we're doing. I will teach you the concepts and tools of transaction so that you too can use them.

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The philosophical assumptions of Transactional Analysis

a) everyone is OK: the person, as such, is worthy of respect and acceptance. "I accept me and recognize my worth. I accept you and recognize your value. It may be that sometimes do not agree with what you do, but always accept what you are. We are on the same level. I'm not over you, or you are superior to me "

This principle calls for having a positive attitude towards themselves and towards others. This is the respect and recognition of the value of the individual in its essence, regardless of race, religion, age, sexual preference, etc. achievements in life. There is always room for questioning the conduct of a person. But beware: The behavior is never the whole person. Respect self and others and get into a relationship of equality is the location, the only one that allows the building of healthy relationships and constructive where we can address the problem behaviors and resolve them in a position of mutual availability. The sentence, the attack, the devaluation of themselves or others suffering feeding, defense, attack, competitions, destructiveness.

b) everyone has the ability to think. With the exception of those who had severe brain damage all have the ability to think, reason and evaluate what we live, to make choices with respect to our existence .

This principle reminds us of our ability and our power to assess and deal with reality. We are our choices. No matter how strong the calls and the pressures of others, no matter how tragic the circumstances of life, we always choose us to assume the position in relation to them, even if only to react to events or less traumatic for us. It 'a principle that calls then to take responsibility for their choices (and their consequences) rather than become passive and helpless victims, instead of projecting responsibility for his suffering on the past or outside. It 's also a principle that invites us to leverage our power to help us achieve our goals rather than sabotage.

c) each decide their own destiny and these decisions, if they bring negative results can be modified .

As children, we have developed strategies to survive in a world more big for us and get what we wanted (love and attention). These strategies were based on the assessment we made of people and situations, experienced and observed, and the conclusion I have drawn. We began immediately to make decisions about what was right and wrong, useful / not useful to be or do. On these decisions (regarding ourselves, others, life ..) We have based our existence. As adults we still use those strategies. Some are useful and functional for our needs. Others will take us only negative results, because they are outdated, no longer necessary, not appropriate for the current situation.
In therapy we can go to rediscover those old decisions and change. We can make new decisions in relation to us, to others and to life, we can learn to use different strategies, new resources (as an adult) and finally get the satisfaction of our needs.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

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GC Jacob - Personality and Child Welfare Neurosis

Jacob Julius Caesar, Master of Philosophy in Italy and his Ph.D. in psychology in the U.S., teaches Fundamentals of Eastern disciplines of psychology at the University of Genoa.

In this kind of manual of evolutionary psychology, the tone conversational, humorous and ironic, GC Jacob ago careful analysis of the development of three personality (The Child, Adult, Parent) that characterize the individual and the consequences of not carrying out such development.
The theory of three persons of Jacob recalls the terminology of Eric Berne and his theory of ego states, but in reality it is an elaboration of the entire staff.
Decades of clinical practice the author has led him to identify the child's personality chronic the genesis of neurosis and more popular. In today's society, rich and industrialized, children no longer have to struggle for survival, on the contrary are overprotected and hampered in their growth and independence. Fears, phobias, panic, anxiety, depression are all manifestations of a child's personality is not developed, always looking for love, security, cuddles.
Jacob's essay gives the reader guidance on how recover its advantage in a harmonious balance of the three personality that nature provides us, "Life ... is a symphony with many tones and many records, now tragic , now comic, now serious, now playful. The mentally healthy person, psychologically evolved, knows how to live life in all its tones, in all their records, knowing now be a child, now adult parent hours.
latter part of the book, Jacob extends his theory by introducing a fourth personality: consciousness, or Buddha, state of awareness of their emotions, their thoughts, their actions, ability to self-observation, it not only ends the cycle structure of our personalities natural but also the one that saves us from neurosis and therefore suffering. Its great strength lies in the power of directing our lives consciously and intentionally.

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Tuesday, May 6, 2008

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Objective: when and why to ask for help

In critical moments of life (stages of growth, change, loss, etc..) Maintain a state of serenity and well-being is more difficult. Sometimes it feels, apparently, stuck in a hopeless situation, helpless, alone. Other times, the malaise is a constant , something that we carry with us a long time, almost to be part and parcel of us.

If you are in a situation of suffering that is difficult to manage, it is best not to let pass a long time and not minimize it. Addressing situations before they escalate can find relief in a shorter time before the consequences and implications of the consequences, have made it more complex.
Pain is an alarm signal useful to active . Do not ignore the signs of distress and care is the most healthy and mature decision that we can take if you really want to solve the problem.

Strive for their welfare is one of the choices we available, we have the alternative to passivity and dependence (strategies that invariably do not solve our problems).

Through awareness of the processes that we implement in relating to ourselves, with others and with our life goals and through the activation of choices more consistent with our emotions and our needs the most authentic we can build and realize our being.

I training and personal growth (for students, teachers, parents, couples etc.) Are an opportunity to increase self-awareness and to strengthen personal resources specific (self-esteem, assertiveness, problem-solving, communication, etc...) The

counseling (individual, couple, family) is a short-term course aimed at understanding and management of quotas and set times of suffering. The

individual psychotherapy is a process of understanding and change, deep and global, personal process through which the person is confined and held in distress (of greater or lesser extent), an area where renewable resource, perspectives, choices and where to experience a renewed sense of control over their lives.
first briefing can give all the information necessary to decide whether and how to move.

Things do not think you do.

If you sit and wait for that to happen, never happen