Sunday, November 4, 2007

Where Can I Watch Bible Black

Umilta' Beatitudes

"For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted
Lk 14.11
Jesus' has always made mention of the importance of the latter, and be the last. 'The last shall be first', 'Who wants to be my disciple is made the servant of all', 'We are useless servants'. The central idea is 'the service, hence, a deep sense of humility', which does not mean not to appreciate themselves and their value, but do not think of themselves before others.
E 'meaningful as Jesus' saying this phrase inspired by very real opportunity, such as the choice of seats at the table at a wedding: and' in every moment of daily life that we practice what 'that Jesus' us he says.


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