Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Miami Store Projetor Mini

wisdom and power, human and divine presence of God and Wisdom

Incline your ear, you that dominated the crowds, and you're proud
the large number of your people.
Your sovereignty comes from the Lord, your power
by the Most High, who will review your work and your intentions scruterà;
The bottom is deserving of pity, but the powerful will be dealt with
(SAP 6.2 to 12)

I said, 'You are gods, you are all sons of
. Yet
die like men,
fall like all powerful.
(Psalm 81)

When he saw them, Jesus said, "Go to the priests. "
And as they went, they were cleansed.
(Lk 17, 12)

The power is expressed in human government upon the people, the United entrusted by God, monitoring and assessment of what 'is happening. Who 'has the most powerful' responsibility 'and of those who do not'. Each of us has some degree of power / control / responsibility ': more' or less, depending on how many interactions we have. Glad to hear that everything runs as it should, thanks to our commitment. But we should remember that in reality, 'what' and 'very little power of God in the face of God / Jesus' has power to heal lepers with his words alone. We'll fall and die like all men. Our power collides with reality ' of life, and loses no variation with ': just a disease, physical or mental, to make us understand how little, in reality,' we can.
looking for the true wisdom: to guide us in what 'we can control, and to help us, enlighten, heal, and in what' on which we have no power.


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