Sunday, November 11, 2007

How Do I Get Plan B From Walmart

Eternity' and compare beliefs

Today at Mass, I have not made full account of how terrible it was the first reading (2 Mac 7, 1-2. 9-14). Children were crying, and the reading was, of course, in English. I knew the story, but did not remember the details, and only now that I read on my own, I realize how terrible. 'Prohibited to minors for violence', has rightly said the woman who commented on this passage in the homily. Yet, and 'made to read from the Church to remember the importance of faith in the resurrection, eternity', recovery then also by Jesus' in its response to the leading question of the Sadducees (Luke 20, 27-38).

Somehow, this leads to an interesting and stimulating discussion we had yesterday evening with two friends Muslims, from which we had guests for dinner. The question posed by Lucas, and inspired by the fact that my friend wears a headscarf, and 'was, more' or less: 'what you need, religion'? From here, 'born a discussion lasting several hours, which impressed me a lot.
First, the strength and depth 'of the faith of my friends. From their words, it is clear that their first thought of the non-existence of God and 'inconcebile. Secondly, I was deeply hit some of the ideas expressed, and I sum up here:
1) The recognition of God as the true purpose of every living being . God and 'hidden, and we have to discover and recognize its tracks. This act and 'the reason for our creation. The need to be known and recognized that each of us and 'a reflection of the desire that God has for us.
2) God sustains all, creates all at any time. Nothing happens that God does not want to.
3) Every action that we take ourselves or other living things (plants, animals), are prayers to God . When you bathe a plant, we are not giving birth - and 'only in God that sustains life. The act of wetting and ' our prayer to God to 'can keep it alive.
4) God has many names, and shows different faces in different occasions . God and 'at the same time, the merciful and terrible, and always right.
5) In all there is' a desire for eternity, 'which can' only be filled by God .
ideas are very beautiful, and it was nice to see them live in their own words and in their eyes. Of course, we discussed some of them - the idea that I presented myself, knowing that God has somehow portrait of his power to give it to us, and 'inconceivable for them: although, of course, our responsibility' the try to improve this world, however, nothing happens against the will ' of God that 's true, and' almost a tautology ..
Anyway, the idea of \u200b\u200bactions such as prayer reminded me of the theme of constant prayer, so dear to the Christian mystics, and I wished so much to achieve. It 'been nice to see that despite having different views, we agree to acknowledge God the creator and sustainer, present in everyone and in everything. Pero ', I thought to Mass today, I could never give up Jesus', God made man, close to us, in us.


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