Monday, November 5, 2007

Navman Icn 520 Instal

Invite those who can not 'return

On the contrary, when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the lame, the blind
, and you will be blessed because they can not repay "
Lk 14, 12-14

We are still at the banquet. Jesus' takes advantage hours to investigate, in particular, who has invited guests. Just before he had given instruction for guests, and now speaks to the landlord. This teaching is' definitely more 'strange than the last. In this case, Jesus' pushes who prepared the feast not to invite loved ones, neighbors, or rich, but rather, the poor, the crippled, those who no one ever calls. The reason is not 'just one more' obvious, that 'doing something of brotherhood towards the last, the' waste 'the company'. It 'also part of a spiritual journey where one should get used to give without receiving anything in return. There 's just blessed to give than to receive, and reciprocate the material never outweighs the spiritual in some way that you always get.


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