Friday, February 18, 2011

Smartst Dowload For Icn 520

Ciambellone Finello

came home yesterday I decided to make a good donut, and despite my complete inability, I decided to do it anyway.
Some 'time ago I heard my wife talk about the famous recipe of 4 parts.
The true recipe says

  • weighs the eggs of the same weight of sugar eggs, butter and flour
  • baking powder 1 / 2 sachet
  • salt
Finello got whistles for flasks, here's the modified recipe:
  • 2 eggs 2 cups of sugar (1 white, 1 brown)
  • 1 pound of butter (to be thin) 2 cups flour
  • yeast milk to taste 1 / 2 sachet
  • salt
Given that in this recipe does it all with the electric mixer.
Put the yolks in a bowl with the sugar and whip it all, because the eggs are goccino add a little milk, when everything is installed, add the melted butter (in a double boiler or in microwave) mix together, now add the sifted flour and whipping enough, add yeast and sifted the egg whites until stiff (some let it fall to the ground) where the mixture is smooth (safe), add a little milk and turn with a spoon in the same direction from bottom to top (so you do not unmount).
Now do the test "thread" get some 'compound in the spoon and let it fall, if it makes a thread is ready.
Butter the pan and forget to put the flour, so you stick to well, (put a little 'flour to prevent this) and pour the mixture informed (oven) at 180 degrees for 45 minutes .
and enjoy this sweet Very good!! and do not say it's just me but also my wife)
think it is also grown so much, it's soft and good, I am moved ....

Here is a picture to prove it.


The photo does not do justice to the goodness, but as you can see it lacks a long time already.


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