Thursday, April 23, 2009

What Does An Nc30 Swatches


Palermo, April 23, 2009 - The Sicily has its own Royal Palace of Caserta, in the Natural Reserve of Ficuzza, 45 km from Palermo. As of today, and for the next weekend, the "Royal hunting lodge at Ficuzza" (as stated on the documents of the time) where Ferdinand IV of Bourbon loved to organize the hunt - his beloved favorite - can be visited. The historical and architectural gem, designed by Giuseppe Venanzio Marvuglia, the same architect who has worked on the house of China, has been reopened after a painstaking restoration, commissioned by the Department of Agriculture of the Regional State Forests Company, which acquired the prestigious building. At the opening ceremony, which took place this morning, was attended, among others, the Regional Councillor for Agriculture and Forestry, Giovanni La Via, and the Cultural Heritage, Environmental and Public Education, Antonello Antinoro, the Provincial President John Next and general manager of the Regional Department of State Forests Company ... [read more>]


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