Monday, April 20, 2009

Black Tie Optionalin December Nylons?


the forwarding to the media the usual press release on the activities of free flight, a name of our association I would like a special thought for the people of Abruzzo, the earthquake victims. Gustavo Vitali - Press Office FIVL - Italian Federation of Free Flight
20/04/2009 - A Borso del Grappa (Treviso) The numbers confirm the continued growth of Montegrappa Trophy, an international free flight, and of the homonymous Expo, an exhibition of products for the flight 239 pilots in flight for 18 countries, Argentina and Brazil the most distant. The Expo has been intense and full of public letrasmissioni especially during the races live on a virtual big screen. The presentiseguivano pilots in flight with emotion in a scene so realistic that it seemed to fly to the edge of their means. The crowded outline of activities such as climbing artificial rock, nordic walking, hiking and trekking, tandem flights, kite building and Volodya, Cioccolandia and more. Four races from 99 and 140 hang-gliding along percorsitra 70 and 124 km with evocative passages, such as the Asolo sullarocca and landing in Feltre. Canceled because of the strong ventol'ultima test. The rankings speak much German in the flexible-wing hang glider gliaustriaci Manfred Ruhmer, Gerolf Heinrichs and Robert Reisinger have occupatol'intero podium, thwarted by our Christian Blind and Alexander Ploner, fourth and fifth respectively; Schwiegershausen Corinna, Germany, primafra women. In the wings Andreas Becker tight victory, followed by Norbert Kirchner, both German pilots and Toni Raumauf (Austria). In paragliding, behind the German Ulrich Prinz are the Trentino JimmyPacher and Alberto Vitale of Bologna, the best French Elisa Houdry dellepilote.I upcoming events fall in the first three days of May: a Laveno (Varese) 23.A edition of the international Valerio Albrecht, race dideltaplano; Santa Maddalena in Val Pusteria Gsies (Bolzano) involved in the paragliding Raimund Wieser Cup Gustavo Vitali -
Press FIVL - Italian Federation Free Flight


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