Monday, April 20, 2009

Cheaters Korea Online

INGV, THE EAGLE earthquake fault was already known

The numerical model of the satellite observations show that the earthquake fault was already known Aquila
Rome 20/04/2009 - The fracture of the earth's crust which gave rise to an earthquake of magnitude 6.3 Mw that hit the central Abruzzo April 6, 2009 has been identified by researchers of the INGV. Analyzing the effects of surface displacement on the fault plane, researchers at the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology
have measured and analyzed the movements of the ground to identify the seismic source and evaluate in depth than we have located the two ends of the earth's crust along the plane of the earthquake fault.
Using the images of the Italian COSMO-SkyMed 3 satellite, INGV researchers have developed a mathematical model that shows how the fracture plane is about 25 km long and plunges under the Eagle plane tilted 50 ° up to 12 km deep. The sliding of the earth's crust along the fault plane has reached a maximum of 90 cm to 4 km deep.
The rift has propagated upwards dall'ipocentro earthquake up to the surface corresponding to the town of Pagani. To confirm this INGV teams of geologists have found and measured a number of fractures in the ground for a length of about 4 km, with holes of a few centimeters.

Representation of the fault plane (in blue) resulting from the INGV model based on two images of the COSMO-SkyMed. The plane dips about 50 degrees to the south-west and passes under the city of L'Aquila. The block of earth's crust to the southwest (left) of the plane flowed down to about 90 cm (4 km deep), and resulted in a lowering of the ground surface of 25 cm, visible in the picture with the red . The fault that originated
the earthquake of 6 April 2009 is therefore the fault of Paganica, already reported in the geological mapping since the 90s.

The data used for this research come from the Italian COSMO-SkyMed 3 satellite, launched by the Italian Space Agency over the past three years for the monitoring of earthquakes.
interferogram consists of two satellite images of the Italian COSMO-SkyMed shots at the turn of L'Aquila earthquake of 6 April 2009: the image pre-event on April 4, the image post-event April 12.
Each of the concentric bands of color (fringe) indicates a lowering of the ground of 1.5 inches, for a total of approximately -25 cm of L'Aquila and the home of Blackwater. This drop occurred during the earthquake (co-seismic deformation) and the response of the surface displacement on the fault plane at depth.
The earthquake of 6 April 2009 is the second ever to be studied with the data of the Italian COSMO-SkyMed satellites, the first was the earthquake in Sichuan, China, May 12, 2008. In that case it was determined the first X-band interferogram for a measure co-seismic displacement ( Stramondo et al. 2008), but its usefulness was limited due to poor coverage.
Attalus the availability of three satellites of the COSMO-SkyMed coverage allows high temporal frequency that allowed to obtain the results above.
Reference: Stefano Salvi

Executive Earthquake Remote Sensing Group


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