Friday, July 17, 2009

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17/07/2009 - Communist Refoundation and Italian Communists were sent to the prosecutor of Palermo complaint-a complaint about the management of natural parks in Sicily. "For four years the park authorities in Sicily (Etna, Madonie Nebrodi and Alcantara) are managed by special commissioners appointed by the Presidency of the region instead of presidents as expected the statutes of the institutions themselves. "Cangemi and was denounced by Luca Salvatore Petrucci, regional secretary of the Communist Refoundation and the Italian Communists, in a statement submitted to the Prosecutor of the Republic of Palermo and Catania explained during a press conference by the same Cangemi and Massimo Mingrino, member of the provincial secretariat of the PDCI. Neglect and abuse of official records on crimes such as asking the judiciary to investigate and that, according to Communist leaders, were committed by the junta led by Raffaele Lombardo in continuity with the Government Cuffaro, with severe damage to the community.
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Catania, 16/07/2009 - "For four years the park authorities in Sicily (Etna, Madonie Nebrodi and Alcantara) are managed by special commissioners appointed by the Presidency of the region instead of presidents as provided by the statutes of the institutions themselves. " This was denounced by Luca Salvatore Cangemi and Petrucci, regional secretary of the Communist Refoundation and the Italian Communists, in a statement submitted to the Prosecutor of the Republic of Palermo and Catania explained today during a press conference by the same Cangemi and ... read more>>>
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Messina, 14/05/2009 - Group Council Chamber of the "People's Freedom delta 'of the Province of Messina, who has long said it is increasingly evident that Trenitalia will gradually dispose of the rail and marine. What is more accentuated I'isolamento of Messina and Sicily across the Peninsula, as is also links between the cities of Messina and the Straits 1'Aeroporto were increasingly limited in recent times, causing inconvenience to users increasingly heavy Whereas it is urgent to take action to ensure more functional links between the two sides of the Strait to meet needs of those who must reach the Peninsula or arrive in Sicily ... read more>>>

Monday, April 27, 2009

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27/04/2009 - Finally some good news for lovers of the environment and two-wheeler. The Environment Ministry will offer 30% discount up to a maximum of 700 €, to those who want to buy a bicycle in the year 2009. This is one of the measures in the package of government interventions in support of two-wheeler market. In fact there is a fund of € 8,750,000 to be disbursed during 2009. Finally, those who want to buy the bike normal may benefit from government incentives and will help a business completely environmentally friendly and eco-friendly. Only muscles as an engine .... Ai Tre Parchi bed and bike engine ... just like muscles.
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Friday, April 24, 2009

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Caccamo (PA) 24/04/2009 - A Caccamo in Piazza Vittorio Emanuele n. 1 in the presence of Dr. Giorgio Panzeca, Slow Food and the Trustee Caccamo - Franco Pecoraro has signed the memorandum and articles of association that govern the New Association for the Promotion of the "Sausage Pasqualora Di Caccamo" strongly desired by the veterinarian Franco Pecoraro and some butchers Caccamo, Raymond Song, Toto Neglia , and Nino Siragusa, The Association sharing the principles of the national Slow Food movement, whose aim is the creation, management, and promotion of the production chain for the production, marketing e. .. [read more>]

Thursday, April 23, 2009

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24/04/2009 - "In the hands of Petrosino" is the name of the restaurant, 35 Viale Parioli in Rome, which will frame WELLNESS DINNER Friday, April 24 at 20. Much more than an evening of taste: a wonderful journey through the flavors, aromas, colors, a journey of sea and land full of surprises, we are in good hands and be spoiled by those of Augustine. At the dinner part of aesthetic medicine doctors, businessmen, journalists and the press and Rai Attend KITCHEN WELFARE sponsored by "Arts and Health in the Kitchen." Augustine Petrosino, internationally renowned chef, cooking teacher as anti-aging, will present each dish with Chiara Manzi, President of the Scientific ART AND HEALTH IN THE KITCHEN, explaining the anti-aging properties. Reveal the diners also realized his dreams in the kitchen, creating synergies between work and family. : 329.706.48.63

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Palermo, April 23, 2009 - The Sicily has its own Royal Palace of Caserta, in the Natural Reserve of Ficuzza, 45 km from Palermo. As of today, and for the next weekend, the "Royal hunting lodge at Ficuzza" (as stated on the documents of the time) where Ferdinand IV of Bourbon loved to organize the hunt - his beloved favorite - can be visited. The historical and architectural gem, designed by Giuseppe Venanzio Marvuglia, the same architect who has worked on the house of China, has been reopened after a painstaking restoration, commissioned by the Department of Agriculture of the Regional State Forests Company, which acquired the prestigious building. At the opening ceremony, which took place this morning, was attended, among others, the Regional Councillor for Agriculture and Forestry, Giovanni La Via, and the Cultural Heritage, Environmental and Public Education, Antonello Antinoro, the Provincial President John Next and general manager of the Regional Department of State Forests Company ... [read more>]

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

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Santa Flavia (PA) 22/04/2009 - This house was designed by architect Ernesto Basile, which is the same architect of the Teatro Massimo in Palermo, as well as numerous art nouveau buildings in the city and beyond. The house is several years, left to himself, his heirs are not seen, and institutions absent. With this group we hope to raise awareness among local administrators to consider the possibility of purchasing the house or otherwise, to try to agree with a restoration to the rightful owners to save him from the deterioration that has recently taken over! Umberto Balistreri

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

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Messina, April 21 - Transactions of between police and Filicudi Alicudi where there are reports of eight people: two of Filicudi (pictured) , one of Milazzo, one of Florence and four Moroccans. Two residents of Filicudi, 51 and 24 years, and the Tuscan tourist, 32, will have to respond to injuries and damage to fishing nets. They objected to the invasion carried out by a vessel owned by Lipari 'ZG, and fished in the waters of the Aeolian islet, the three were stoned and shot the owner and damaged fishing nets. Alicudi, instead, 'were seized illegal construction. The military has sealed the manufacture of about 30 square meters of property 'of Milazzo, NC, 51, prosecuted to the' court. The police have also referred four Moroccans between 21 and 24 years. They had no documents and residence permits. With the patrol boat were transferred to Milazzo to be identified. (AGI)

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World Book Day : guided tour of the town library

Termini Imerese (PA), 21/04/2009 - To mark World Book Day, organized by UNESCO, Thursday, April 23, 2009 at 16.30 is expected in the Termini Imerese 'initiative entitled "History and Treasures of Liciniana. Guided tour of the Library ". The visiting hours will be at 16.30 to 17.15 - 18.00 to 18.45. During the journey will be read out passages that have as their main theme: "Travel Sicilitudine among the authors in Sicily. " The entries will be those of Catherine Frank, Patrick Graziano, Mimmo Mina and Anton Giulio Pandolfo. The initiative is managed by the association sicilianti and Amnesty International under the auspices of the City of Termini Imerese. Liciniana The library, established in the nineteenth century, at the initiative of the priest Giuseppe Cyprus today is home to about 100,000 volumes, many of whom also of considerable value, including various scrolls bearing the privileges granted to the town of Termini, several incunabula and a rich collection of autographs of particular interest. A priceless heritage for the city's history.

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21/04/2009 - Renato Travaglia, bearer Island of Motorsport, finished in second place overall on the first event of the European Championship and third in the Italian Championship. This result allows him to reinforce its leadership in the Italian league standings. The driver was immediately Trentino starred in a fight with three, with Basso and Cavallini. At the end of the first stage, the driver of Cavedine is leading the peloton with just 1 second ahead of 8 / 10 up more than 30 seconds on Basso and Mr. that, Michelini, Issues Cavallini advantage to overtake. Saturday is part of the Trentino and the driver, because a wrong choice of tires and a problem with the handbrake, Basso attacked by losing over a minute during the first round, consisting of three special stages, and was even overtaken by Cavallini returns to the second position. The bishop of the Island Motorsport goes to the last round by winning the second place that allows him to extend an absolute ranking of the Italian championship and second place in the establishment of the European championship. Gianluca Lioce

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Sorry to disturb, it was only a Negro ...

Milan, 21/04/2009 - apologized the two bartenders, father and son, accused of murdering 19-year-colored killed last Sept. 14 after it locked in with two friends had stolen some packets of biscuits. Appeared yesterday before the preliminary hearing judge Nicola Clivio for expedited proceedings, through their lawyers have expressed "sorrow and regret" for what happened to the family of the victim present. "The families have taken up this helping hand to the sharing of pain," said lawyer Marco Bolchini bartenders. The hearing was then dedicated to the deposition of advisors pm Roberta Brera, who reconstructed the dynamics of the crime. According to the defenders of the experts' statements corroborate the possibility of changing the classification from murder to manslaughter because there is no certainty about the findings of fact and on the strength with which came the blow that caused a fatal wound to the skull 7 cm deep. On the sidelines of the hearing the victim's father, Hassan Guiebre, spent the words of regret that have not been disseminated images of the two defendants. "They showed everyone, including us, because they do not see the accused?". One of the lawyers of the family but said: "We tried to explain to them that the law does not allow it." Friends of Abba have shown anger instead on the reduction of sentences (30 years instead of life imprisonment as maximum punishment) under the alternative rite. (OMNIMILANO)
(released on Metro 21 April 2009)

Monday, April 20, 2009

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Wednesday Luigi De Magistris and Carlo Vulpio

Lecce, 20/04/2009 - Wednesday, April 22 Dr. Luigi De Magistris, judge, former deputy prosecutor at the Procura di Catanzaro, and dr. Vulpio Carlo, a journalist of the Corriere della Sera ", will be in Lecce at the seminar" Corporate, Government and Justice "at the Department of Social Sciences and Communication, University of Salento. In occasion of the arrival in Lecce, the two candidates in European elections 2009, meet the press officers at the headquarters of the provincial coordination of Italy Values, which will be convened at a ... [read more>]

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Added by Marco Paladin to the group "Children of Ucria. " on FB.

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INGV, THE EAGLE earthquake fault was already known

The numerical model of the satellite observations show that the earthquake fault was already known Aquila
Rome 20/04/2009 - The fracture of the earth's crust which gave rise to an earthquake of magnitude 6.3 Mw that hit the central Abruzzo April 6, 2009 has been identified by researchers of the INGV. Analyzing the effects of surface displacement on the fault plane, researchers at the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology
have measured and analyzed the movements of the ground to identify the seismic source and evaluate in depth than we have located the two ends of the earth's crust along the plane of the earthquake fault.
Using the images of the Italian COSMO-SkyMed 3 satellite, INGV researchers have developed a mathematical model that shows how the fracture plane is about 25 km long and plunges under the Eagle plane tilted 50 ° up to 12 km deep. The sliding of the earth's crust along the fault plane has reached a maximum of 90 cm to 4 km deep.
The rift has propagated upwards dall'ipocentro earthquake up to the surface corresponding to the town of Pagani. To confirm this INGV teams of geologists have found and measured a number of fractures in the ground for a length of about 4 km, with holes of a few centimeters.

Representation of the fault plane (in blue) resulting from the INGV model based on two images of the COSMO-SkyMed. The plane dips about 50 degrees to the south-west and passes under the city of L'Aquila. The block of earth's crust to the southwest (left) of the plane flowed down to about 90 cm (4 km deep), and resulted in a lowering of the ground surface of 25 cm, visible in the picture with the red . The fault that originated
the earthquake of 6 April 2009 is therefore the fault of Paganica, already reported in the geological mapping since the 90s.

The data used for this research come from the Italian COSMO-SkyMed 3 satellite, launched by the Italian Space Agency over the past three years for the monitoring of earthquakes.
interferogram consists of two satellite images of the Italian COSMO-SkyMed shots at the turn of L'Aquila earthquake of 6 April 2009: the image pre-event on April 4, the image post-event April 12.
Each of the concentric bands of color (fringe) indicates a lowering of the ground of 1.5 inches, for a total of approximately -25 cm of L'Aquila and the home of Blackwater. This drop occurred during the earthquake (co-seismic deformation) and the response of the surface displacement on the fault plane at depth.
The earthquake of 6 April 2009 is the second ever to be studied with the data of the Italian COSMO-SkyMed satellites, the first was the earthquake in Sichuan, China, May 12, 2008. In that case it was determined the first X-band interferogram for a measure co-seismic displacement ( Stramondo et al. 2008), but its usefulness was limited due to poor coverage.
Attalus the availability of three satellites of the COSMO-SkyMed coverage allows high temporal frequency that allowed to obtain the results above.
Reference: Stefano Salvi

Executive Earthquake Remote Sensing Group

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From chief press officer of the Bureau of the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV), Dr. Sonia Topazio, receive and publish the letter of response to the article in L'Express this week signed by Ms Stefania Maurizi about Prof. Enzo Boschi:
Rome, 20 April '09 - Dear Dr. Maurizi, learn from his mail of 16 April the Chief Editor Giuliano Di Feo of the prestigious weekly magazine L'Espresso has charged to conduct an investigation sull'INGV. However, when I phoned before 16 April, he told me to be a journalist, a graduate in mathematics and "then be able to understand the technical terms." I thought he meant to write an informative article. I only changed his mind when he suddenly began to wonder who was the grandson of whom, who was married to whom, his father's trade of guy ... referring to people who work here at the Institute. Then I invited you to visit us in person to realize who we are, but she refused ... [read more>]

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the forwarding to the media the usual press release on the activities of free flight, a name of our association I would like a special thought for the people of Abruzzo, the earthquake victims. Gustavo Vitali - Press Office FIVL - Italian Federation of Free Flight
20/04/2009 - A Borso del Grappa (Treviso) The numbers confirm the continued growth of Montegrappa Trophy, an international free flight, and of the homonymous Expo, an exhibition of products for the flight 239 pilots in flight for 18 countries, Argentina and Brazil the most distant. The Expo has been intense and full of public letrasmissioni especially during the races live on a virtual big screen. The presentiseguivano pilots in flight with emotion in a scene so realistic that it seemed to fly to the edge of their means. The crowded outline of activities such as climbing artificial rock, nordic walking, hiking and trekking, tandem flights, kite building and Volodya, Cioccolandia and more. Four races from 99 and 140 hang-gliding along percorsitra 70 and 124 km with evocative passages, such as the Asolo sullarocca and landing in Feltre. Canceled because of the strong ventol'ultima test. The rankings speak much German in the flexible-wing hang glider gliaustriaci Manfred Ruhmer, Gerolf Heinrichs and Robert Reisinger have occupatol'intero podium, thwarted by our Christian Blind and Alexander Ploner, fourth and fifth respectively; Schwiegershausen Corinna, Germany, primafra women. In the wings Andreas Becker tight victory, followed by Norbert Kirchner, both German pilots and Toni Raumauf (Austria). In paragliding, behind the German Ulrich Prinz are the Trentino JimmyPacher and Alberto Vitale of Bologna, the best French Elisa Houdry dellepilote.I upcoming events fall in the first three days of May: a Laveno (Varese) 23.A edition of the international Valerio Albrecht, race dideltaplano; Santa Maddalena in Val Pusteria Gsies (Bolzano) involved in the paragliding Raimund Wieser Cup Gustavo Vitali -
Press FIVL - Italian Federation Free Flight

Sunday, April 19, 2009

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19/04/2009 - In the second edition of the campaign "European Solar Days", a week dedicated to solar energy, which will be celebrated all over Europe 15 to 23 May 2009. An information campaign throughout the country, to promote the use of solar energy as heat (solar thermal) and power (photovoltaics), invade our country. In calendar week together with a company organized by Legambiente EASuS Energy Ltd. (the province of Enna), we propose to involve the presentation of the project COLDIRETTI 0 km, together with the promotion of organic products at a party that probably would take at solar a public garden, one of three municipalities in Piazza Armerina, Valguarnera O Aidone. In addition there are the following events: a seminar organized by the company EASuS Energy to explain the benefits of the Regional Energy Plan, solar festival organized by various associations (Lav, Legambiente, etc.), presence of exhibition stands and information society EASuS Energy ( company operating in the renewable energy sector), representatives acrobatic shows "the power and warmth of the sun," and exhibition of local artists. Also expect the boys to Addiopizzo who tell their experiences of legality in the light of the sun ..... Screening of documentary on climate change and act on altering balance wildlife caused by man, by the associations mentioned above, the company EASuS Energy, and the cultural Aretè Valguarnera, with relevant discussions