Saturday, January 5, 2008

Oral Rehydration Salt Sugar

Loving Words of hope with the facts / knowing Jesus 'personally

In these weeks after Christmas, the liturgy offers us texts from John, both in first reading is in the Gospel. I love John, his spirituality 'deep. Between the readings of today there are two songs that I particularly striking.

"By this we know love, that He gave His life for us;
and we ought to lay down his life for his brothers.
But if one has the world's goods and sees his brother in need
closes his heart, as in him the love of God? "
(1 Jn 3 ~ 15)
course, this strikes me 'cause I have a lot more' wealth of many, and often when I see someone ask 's begging on the street really close to my heart. How to stay in me the love of God? I try to do my best, giving money and time to help the poor or those who are not 'heard, but there is no' never 'enough'.
In any case, the rich are different not only economic but also spiritual, or 'social' to be loved, have friends, and 'a luxury that not many people have. Who feels, might really try to listen to those who have not heard, make a contact to those who have none.

The other piece that struck me and 'Jesus' meeting 'with Natanele (Jn 1, 43-51), who is surprised that Jesus' saw him under a fig tree. It strikes me that Jesus' immediately establishing a personal relationship with him, making him understand his neighborhood. As discussed in the track yesterday, the following of Jesus' is based on practice, not words.

This icon is called 'Jesus and the poor' and is' part of a wonderful exhibition iconography at the Motherhouse of the Missionary Community of Villaregia (Ro), you can see on this album online.


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