Thursday, January 31, 2008

Writing A Letter To A Cousin

Parables about the Kingdom of God (Mk 4: 26-34)

"The kingdom of God is like a man who
scatter seed upon the earth sleeps and rises night and day,
the seed sprouts and grows, he does not know.

It is like a mustard seed which, when sown
earth, is the smallest of all seeds on earth, but just
sown it grows up and becomes the greatest of all shrubs, and puts
large branches, so that the birds can shelter in its shadow

Today these parables gives me hope. This 'we see it' s not. We do not know, but the Kingdom of God grows. The seed 'was thrown. In the world .. in us .. And
become' great, as to be visible , and a source of refuge for others.

(Image from , by artist Anne Brink)

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Oral Rehydration Salt Sugar

Loving Words of hope with the facts / knowing Jesus 'personally

In these weeks after Christmas, the liturgy offers us texts from John, both in first reading is in the Gospel. I love John, his spirituality 'deep. Between the readings of today there are two songs that I particularly striking.

"By this we know love, that He gave His life for us;
and we ought to lay down his life for his brothers.
But if one has the world's goods and sees his brother in need
closes his heart, as in him the love of God? "
(1 Jn 3 ~ 15)
course, this strikes me 'cause I have a lot more' wealth of many, and often when I see someone ask 's begging on the street really close to my heart. How to stay in me the love of God? I try to do my best, giving money and time to help the poor or those who are not 'heard, but there is no' never 'enough'.
In any case, the rich are different not only economic but also spiritual, or 'social' to be loved, have friends, and 'a luxury that not many people have. Who feels, might really try to listen to those who have not heard, make a contact to those who have none.

The other piece that struck me and 'Jesus' meeting 'with Natanele (Jn 1, 43-51), who is surprised that Jesus' saw him under a fig tree. It strikes me that Jesus' immediately establishing a personal relationship with him, making him understand his neighborhood. As discussed in the track yesterday, the following of Jesus' is based on practice, not words.

This icon is called 'Jesus and the poor' and is' part of a wonderful exhibition iconography at the Motherhouse of the Missionary Community of Villaregia (Ro), you can see on this album online.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Asics Gel-sensei 3 Mt

The home of Jesus' Father

"Rabbi (which means teacher), where do you live?".
said to them: 'Come and see
Jn 1, 37

I like Jesus', rather than respond with words, brings with it 'is not' a theory but a practice, a follow on, which leads the knowledge of Jesus'. The disciples go and see where Jesus' lives. After that, they return to their homes, and announce have found the Messiah. What did they see?

Where does Jesus'? From other readings of the Gospel of John, we know that Jesus' love lives in God, and that all those who work the will 'of God in turn, become home of the Spirit of God and therefore, Jesus' lives in God, but also in all people who are trying to do his will '. When we realize that we are seeing Jesus' in the people we meet and that Jesus' living our reality 'and that of God at the same time, we are enlightened and become apostles. And by our words, we could even bring our brothers and sisters to Jesus ', so that' they are in turn invested a first-person role in the Kingdom of God:
"He met first his brother Simon, and said: "We have found the Messiah (which means Christ)" He brought him to Jesus Christ, he looked at him and said, "You are Simon the son of John I shall be called Cephas (which means Peter). " Jn 1, 41-42

How Much Does A Bmw Gina Cost

Beloved, if you know that God is just, we also know that anyone
does justice, is born of him.
(1 Jn . 2.29)

Beloved, we now we are children of God, but what we will be has not yet been revealed. But we know that when it is revealed we shall be like him, for we shall see so
as he is.
(1 Jn. 3.2)

The mystique of John and 'always amazing, we are God's children, born to him, and everyone who lives according to the wishes of God and'. But now 'we do not notice it for sure. But our hope 'that at some point we will know how things really are, seeing God allow these certainties of life with greater confidence and sense of importance and wonder.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Pete Doherty Necklaces

Born between Mary and the shepherds

It 's been Christmas, and yesterday was the day dedicated to Mary!

The shepherds went, without delay, and found Mary and Joseph
and the Babe lying in the manger. When they saw,
told what the child had been told. Everyone
who heard it wondered at those things
them by the shepherds. Maria, meanwhile, kept all these things and pondered them in her heart
(Lk 2, 16-18)

Here is my small crib, which I like because it 'symbolizes the simplicity' of the event and at the same time its mystery.