Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Instruction Manual For Bowlercade

In the tracks of today there are two readings very similar, in which an angel of the Lord appears to a person to experience the unexpected birth of a child: in one case, 'Angel of the Lord appears to Manoah's wife, and another to Zechariah. We know that there is' a third case, in which the angel appears to Mary, we are going to celebrate.
It 's interesting to note that when the angel appears to the women, they believe his word. I'm scared, stunned, happy. Zechariah and 'doubtful.
How I would react if I met an angel, a bearer of news so 'great? Hard to say. Sure, I'd be happy if only for the fact that he had a contact so 'intimate with a messenger of God
But who are these angels? In the stories of the Bible and the Gospel are often 'disguised' by men. They are nearly always visiting. Sara 'better keep our eyes and hearts open to the people we meet. :)

(Picture taken from this site of Byzantine icons)


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