Tuesday, October 30, 2007

How Long For Epididymitis Last

Small steps towards the Kingdom of God

"What shall I compare the kingdom of God?
It is like yeast that a woman took and hid in three measures of flour until it is all leavened
Lk 13, 21

The Kingdom of God: something small that grows (mustard seed), but not limited to: e 'is something else that is growing all around. A really good comparison. And also, it gives me 'a lot of hope. If you grow something of the Kingdom of God, even if small, every day, I hope to act as a leaven leavens the whole face and my life.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Walima Invitation Wording After Marriage

Be prepared

Be ready with the safety belt to the sides and your lamps burning;
be similar to those waiting for their master to return from the wedding,
to open the door as soon as he comes and knocks. Lk 12.35

be ready on arrival of the master, with the belt at the waist and your lamps burning - ready for a new journey, ready for a party, the master repeat 'with us after his wedding.
And how to be ready? First, the minimum would have to wait: want to return, want to see him, the Lord. Remember his absence and his mysterious presence. Pray. Remembering his teachings, his parables, that 'he did when he was present. Love him in others around us.